Operation Scarlet Spear will see the Tenno take on waves of sentient enemies that invade Veil Proxima. This is the first event that will use the Operation Link feature, and two separate teams of players will have to complete two different missions at the same time, hitting certain targets and objectives for the other to progress.
All we know about the Operation Scarlet Spear release date is that it is expected to arrive this week. The original idea was that the event would take place at the beginning of March, but that has diminished a bit. New Warframe content tends to drop in-game between Tuesday and Thursday, so it's largely expected to start within the next couple of days.
We'll keep this article updated as we learn more about when the events kick off.
How Scarlet Spear Will Work
The operation will take place on the Scarlet Spear Flotilla Relay, a special event relay that will serve as your home base. Here you work with other Tenno to form teams and coordinate your attack. One squad will have to participate in a ground assault mission, while the other will participate in a Murex raid.
Ground assault
In the field, your mission is to grab Sentient Condrix's Kill Code and pass it on to your allies above. You will need to use an Operation Link Beacon or OpLink Beacon to connect to squads in real time. Prevent Sentients from harming the Beacon while it scans the Condrix for the code you need.
Raid Murex
In the Railjack, your objective will be to infiltrate the Sentient Murex, take control of its Transmission Array, and broadcast the Kill Code shared by the team in the field. Hopefully this will cut the Murex off from the rest of the Armada Sentient deeper into the veil and delay destruction.
To bond forces with other Tenno, you will need to obtain and equip an OpLink Beacon. Find Little Duck in the Scarlet Spear Flotilla to begin. You can find the relay orbiting the Earth. To participate in this operation, you must have at least proficiency level 3.
Event rewards
<br>• Basmu rifle: Aim with two different fire modes: beam and rapid fire.
<br>• Arcana: a new way to earn these upgrades.
<br>• Stance Forma Blueprint: a Forma to maximize your flexibility with Melding Weapon Modding!
• Earn other unique rewards like new Avionics, Clan Sigils, Medals and more.