It's almost time to put your shrink on and explore Grounded, Obsidian Entertainment's latest title. The survival sandbox game launches on Xbox One and PC later today, and it promises to be a delight with its “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” backyard exploration vibe.
Before its launch, you'll want to know exactly when you can get started with Grounded. Some games are releasing all over the world at the same time, while others are staggered based on the region of the globe you are based in.
Thankfully, Obsidian has decided to release Grounded on both platforms at the same time, so you won't miss a thing while other players from elsewhere dive head first into its world. We've listed the exact unlock time for Grounded in your area below, along with any date changes if you're in a time zone well ahead of the US or Europe.
- 10h PT
- 13 h HE
- 14h00 BRT
- 18h BST
- 19pm CEST
- 2h JST (Wednesday July 29)
- 3h AEST (Wednesday July 29)
- 5 a.m. NZST (Wednesday July 29)
As you can see, players in Asia and Australasia will need to stay awake late at night during Grounded Unlock in your region. You can always wait for it, sleep, then play as soon as you get up. We will not judge you for it.
Anyone will be able to play Grounded today though. Make sure you have it preloaded if you can, so that it gets installed before the unlock time.
Grounded is available for purchase through the Xbox Game Preview program, the Microsoft Store, and the Steam Early Access program. It will also be added to Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass for PC if you have a subscription, so you don't run out of ways to purchase and play it.