Surely you have also heard of Telegram, a very good instant messaging app, which compares well with other popular applications, such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. In the city it is the third most used application for instant messages. In this article we will explain to you how Telegram works and how to use it.
The Telegram application looks a lot like WhatsApp, but they actually have few things in common. Telegram was born in 2013 from an idea of a young Russian entrepreneur and his brother. Born 4 years after WhatsApp, it had to give users something different and had to have something that made it unique. In recent years, many users have downloaded this application; it happened above all in correspondence with a downturn that hit the main messaging apps. It is now used by around nine million townspeople. Many times the WhatsApp app has been attacked in terms of security, in fact, opening the Telegram app immediately displays the message: "The fastest messaging app in the world. It's free and safe". With this phrase, he expresses his desire to grow and become the leading messaging app.
How to download Telegram on Android
To download Telegram from an Android device you have to go to the Play Store and write in the search bar at the top right "Telegram"to confirm, then click on search. The symbol of a paper airplane with a light blue background will appear in the search results, if you still have doubts you can check that the app has been developed by Telegram Messenger LLP, to confirm that is the right one. By clicking on "install"You will start downloading the app. At this point you can start the app.
How to download Telegram on iOS
The Telegram application can also be downloaded by those who own an iPhone. You have to go to the App Store, in the screen that will open, in the search space at the top, type Telegram and click on "search". Once you have found the application, download it by clicking on "install / get"and at the end of the download click on the button"open".
How do you set up Telegram?
Once you have downloaded the application on your iOS or Android device, the first thing to do is set it up. For the first access you must use your phone number, it is a simple procedure that will only have to be done the first time to access, in fact for subsequent accesses the app will go automatically. To start configuring Telegram, you need to click on the "start texting". A notice informs the user that to use Telegram you must be at least 16 years old. In this screen are also written other limitations, such as: prohibition of publishing pornographic content, no spam and scams towards other users and prohibition of promoting violence in chats.
Then on the main screen you must indicate your nationality through the drop-down menu and enter your mobile number. After these steps you can click on V to confirm. The application will send you a message with a confirmation code, which you will need to enter in order to then start using the Telegram services. You will need to give consent to the app to access the contacts in your address book. Carried out the procedure correctly, you can start using Telegram to send and receive messages with your contacts, only if they too have already downloaded Telegram and use it. The app may ask you to activate notifications on your smartphone to notify you of the arrival of new messages.
If you have an iPhone you could also use Telegram through the virtual assistant Siri, which can interface with the app and you will be able to send messages via voice commands. If you want to activate this option, you can click on "ok"and Siri will have access to Telegram. You will have to press again on"ok“, If you have an iOS device, to allow Telegram to access your contacts.
How does Telegram work?
For every device, be it Android or iOS, the operation is the same. It is a messaging application characterized by presence of a cloud, which helps your smartphone not to burden its memory, because everything will come saved on the cloud. In fact, all multimedia attachments such as photos or videos will be automatically saved on the cloud. The chat is not like that of other apps, it is encrypted thanks to a system that makes it impossible to intercept messages. Of course you can send the classic emojis, gifs, photos, videos and voice messages. Who developed it defines it as a mix between a chat and an email. In fact you can send files of all sizes, for example even a whole movie. There are also some advanced features that Telegram offers, it is an application that can be customized. Its goal is to become a complete app and not just stopping at instant messaging. It can also be used via the Web and through clients for Windows and Mac.
Telegram's secret chats
With Telegram, as an alternative to normal chats, you also have the option of start a secret conversation. It works like this: everything written in secret chats is managed by end-to-end encryption, so messages can only be seen by 2 users in contact with each other. These messages they are not stored in the cloud, but they remain only on users' phones. To differentiate a secret conversation from the others, a closed lock appears next to the name of your interlocutor. You also have the option of setting a timer and once the set time has elapsed, the message will self-destruct. The maximum time that can be set is 7 days, after which the contents will be deleted on both users' devices. To create a secret chat you have to go to the main menu and click on "new secret chat". A screen will then open where you can choose the contact from your address book with which to start a secret conversation.
Telegram and groups
Telegram groups differ in private, super private e public. Through the search, users will be able to find only public groups, to join a private group you must receive an invitation from the group administrator. In super-private groups, the administrators also perform the role of content moderators, deleting what is deemed unsuitable, compared to the administrators of private groups. Each group can contain a maximum of one hundred thousand users. Private and super-private groups can be shared in Telegram channels by their creators, to give the possibility to be searched. Another difference is between group and supergroup. A normal group can contain up to 200 users and each user can invite other users, with the possibility also to change the name and image of the group. If a group exceeds 200 users it can be transformed into a supergroup with 100 users. A supergroup can choose its administrators, it is more organized and centralized. Changes to the basic settings can only be made by administrators.
How does a Telegram channel work?
Un Telegram channel it is a kind of newsletter, which can be public or private and can have an unlimited number of subscribers. It is a real broadcast channel, where only its creator can write and the members of that channel will be notified when there are updates. Public channels can be searched in the search section at the top right of the main screen, for private ones you need a link with the invitation or you can only be added by its creator.
To create a Telegram channel you have to go to the main menu, look for the item "new channel"and click on"create new channel". At this point a screen will open where you can write the name of your channel and add a photo that represents it. You also have the possibility to add a description, but it is an option. To continue click on the checkbox at the top right, and you choose whether to make the channel public or private. If you choose to create a private channel you will have to invite your members with invitations. To write the first message on the channel you will have to use the Broadcast field.
Do you know Telegram X?
Telegram X is an official app, because it is controlled by Telegram and is an independent version of it. We can define it as a trial version in which all the news created by the developers land and which will then be activated on Telegram. Someone thinks that Telegram X in the future could become the most used Telegram version, replacing the official one. Between the two versions there are some differences, let's try to make a small list:
- Night mode. Telegram X users can choose whether or not to use night mode, for Telegram the function is still present, but it is not active by default. To activate it just go to "settings","chat settings","automatic night mode".
- Chat and themes. On Telegram X you can choose the themes for the chats, which you find by going to the settings and then looking for "themes and chats". This option will also allow you to change the emoji group, add bubbles in channels, deselect predefined bubbles in chats, change the color of the theme. Its interface is much more intuitive and is more immediate than that of Telegram.