There are some mistakes that you can quickly work around. There are issues where you may need to reinstall the game, restart your computer, or run a quick check of your files to make sure everything is downloaded correctly. In Star Wars: Squadrons, you may come across an issue that causes a lot of frustration, but little hope of repair. This is error code 218, and there isn't much you can do about it.
The error code 218 is usually displayed when entering a game, usually a fleet battle. This will show that you are looking into matchmaking to join other players, possibly logging in, but the error code appears. For most players, this happened when they were in a party, and while many other party members may have crept in, you weren't. Unfortunately, which is worse, it will keep you in the squad, and you won't be able to join the match, stay in the squad to enter a new one because the error code recurs and nothing seems to work. You can close the game, restart your computer, Internet, but the error code will still appear. It's common, and it sometimes happens when you're playing alone.
Many players have shared these issues on the EA forums, and EA has yet to respond. At the moment, until EA goes straight in and fixes an issue on their end, there is little that players can do. However, there is hope. You can try playing games with fewer group members or playing with specific people. Sometimes it's certain people in your group that are causing the problem with your connection.
It's hit and miss, unfortunately. Once EA has moved forward with a solution, players can continue playing with few problems.