In the larger areas of Nexomon: Extinction, you can find those with a star icon above their head. It symbolizes the desire for you to accomplish a simple task, in return for various incentives. Sometimes, however, you may see a very rare reward offered in the form of a Vault Key. It might seem intimidating at first, as the game never mentions or shows you where these so-called chests are located. With a key and some research, you'll find that it's well worth going through these rumored halls.
Where are the vaults?
Vaults tend to be found deep within mining shafts that are on the outskirts of every major city. You can tell you've reached a safe when you see a yellow survey next to it with an obvious key slot on top. It should be noted that no key belongs to a certain safe, so you can always use additional keys found on an unopened safe door.
Do all chests offer the same things?
When opened, there are usually three or four chests, as well as yellow light beams around the vault room. Each vault differs in the gifts, but players will find that these yellow beams grant players around 100 coins each. Chests are what makes each location unique, as each has the ability to gift you with Cores, Companions, Nexotraps, or Potions.
In short, completing quests that grant you keys earns you about two to three times more equipment than more basic tasks. With so many mineable rocks around the vaults, taking the time to just find their caves is a profitable endeavor, especially when you can trade the rock shards for coins in the markets.