Nightwave Series 2 continues in Warframe, and it looks like Arlo is up to something. New Outbreak Missions have started to spawn and new Zealots have moved around the map. In this guide, we'll tell you everything you need to know.
Warframe - The Emissary's Emissary Mission Guide
When you look at the Star Map, you will be able to see an active Outbreak Missions counter above the Nightwave button, as shown in the illustration above. This counter only appears when there are active Outbreak Missions. He will tell you which planets are on which the epidemiological missions are located and how many you have left to complete.
Outbreak missions are basically standard invasion missions, but will always involve the Infested. All you have to do is check the Invasions tab. You will be able to see the Epidemic Missions listed here and choose to participate in those missions.
When you have completed three missions for a node, you will receive your Battle Balance. Again, this looks like a standard invasion. The difference is that your Combat Compensation takes the form of a Zealot Crime Code, which will give you access to the Zealot Clearance that you can find on a new node, above the planet on which the missions took place. hatching. Once completed, the code is redeemed and you must get a new one for future missions. You must have one of these codes to participate in the mission. If someone in your party doesn't have them, you can't get them back.
If you complete a Derelict node, you get 1 Nightwave Standing, which is a nice achievement if you continue your way to rank 500 or even earn some of the rewards.
Zealous enemies' bounty rewards have also been increased to 200 points. Abandoned missions will spawn two new types of enemies, Undying Flyers and Leaping Thrashers. According to Reddit user Xionema, the Thrasher can drop a new Sigil upon death.