Unlock the tactics menu via your intrinsic tactics.
With the addition of Railjacks came a new menu, and the game does everything to tell you about it. Wanted to use Warframe's abilities or assign roles to your crew members, but didn't know how? Yes, we forgive you for not knowing what to do.
As long as you've invested a single point in your intrinsic tactics, you can click the L key or hold down the RB / R1 button and left D-pad to bring up the tactics menu during a Railjack mission. The menu will appear and you'll have access to a host of new tools, assuming you've unlocked them in your intrinsic tactic.
That said, the first level alone allows you to use the equipped tactical avionics, as well as check the location and health of your comrade Tenno. At level 2, you can use Warframe abilities, which is as easy as clicking the ability next to your name or teammates, then dropping the ability on the map to the right (this includes areas you have embarked).
Each Warframe has a single ability that they bring to the tactics menu, and it'll cost you Flux to use it (think about your Railjack's energy which is replenished via the Forge in the back). These abilities work wonders against enemies foolish enough to board your ship, and they can save you some time if you're currently in the pilot's seat or a gunner's nest.
At level 3, you'll unlock fast travel nodes on the map in the tactics menu, although they won't tell you where they lead. That said, it's pretty clear where each leads: the top for the pilot, then the nest shooter, followed by the middle of the bridge, then the Archwing Slingshot, and finally the Forge. Use them to quickly deploy on the ship.
You will also be able to assign roles to your teammates via the Railjack symbol next to their name. Click on it and a wheel similar to the cogwheel will appear. There are six roles to choose from, so use that to provide non-verbal captions for your teammates, such as when you need someone at the Forge to replenish the Ordinance.
Finally, at level 10, you will be able to teleport to teammates who are outside of the Railjack, via the portrait icon next to their names. This can be useful if they need help boarding an enemy base, but the game doesn't give you the best data regarding teammate location, so it's best to use it with some coordination. .
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