Intrinsics are leveled through Railjack missions by completing tasks.
Intrinsic Leveling works by affinity like everything else in normal Warframe, so much so that Affinity Boosters actually increase Intrinsic Gains. Gaining affinity towards your Intrinsics requires you to actively contribute to the mission, as it takes 20 affinities to gain a point, so no AFK chilling out here if you want to be effective.
Killing enemies will restore you to affinity whether you're in a Gunner's Nest, a Pilot's Seat, or on foot. Taking down crews will also give you affinity, as will achieving goals. Repairing the Railjack when it takes damage also rewards affinity, so be sure to lend a helping hand. Basically perform and deliver and you will level your Intrinsics. Additionally, resupplying the Forge provides affinity. The point being - play as a team, work as a team, be rewarded as a team.
Now that said, your intrinsic skills will not increase on their own. To advance the four Tactics, Pilotage, Artillery, and Engineering trees (and the soon-to-be-released Command Tree), you'll need to access your configuration console in your clan's dry dock. . If you haven't finished building your Railjack, you won't be able to use your intrinsic bank levels. You can still participate in Railjack missions on Earth and earn as many points as you want, but if you want to unlock new skills, passives, and get out of Proxima Earth, you need to build your ship. That might change in the future, and I'll update this guide when that happens.
Assuming you have your own Railjack, you can upgrade each tree through the Configure console in the Dry Dock, under the Intrinsics tab. Each of the four trees has 10 levels, with the first level costing 1 intrinsic point and the last level costing 512. The cost doubles each time, so you will need 1023 cumulative intrinsic levels to maximize a tree. Yes, maximizing all four will be a problem, but there are some perks that you should focus on unlocking before anything else.
Here is a list of the benefits associated with each tree in the Fallen:
- Tactical
- Tactical System - Deploy tactical avionics. Crew tracking system. (Access to the tactical menu, which is L on PC, and RB / R1 + left d-pad on console).
- Kinesis Ability - Warframe abilities can be deployed as tactical support. (Via the tactical menu).
- Order link - Fast travel inside the ship. Coordinate squad members with the command interface. (Again, tactical menu; there's a theme here).
- Warp Recall - Omni gear can be used to warp aboard the ship from anywhere. (Just click on the Omni in your cogwheel).
- Supervisor - Crew chase camera.
- Tactical Efficiency - Reduces stream energy consumption by 25%.
- Tactical Response - Reduces the cooldown of Tactical Avionics by 20%.
- Archwing Tactical Blink - Reduces the cooldown of Arwing Wing by 25%.
- Swift Tactics - Further reduces the cooldown of Tactical Avionics by 20%.
- Join Warp - Warp from ship to crew members.
- steering
- Boost - Hold LShift to increase engine speed for a short time.
- Vector Maneuver - Press LShift to burst directional thrusters (evasive dodge).
- Safe Flight - Collision damage reduced by 50%.
- Drift Maneuver - While vectoring, press and hold LShift to drift. Drift consumes Boost to increase launch speed. Release LShift launches out of the drift (super dodge).
- Slipstream - Boost Time increased by 25%.
- Improved Maneuvers - Vector and drift maneuvers consume 25% less boost.
- Aeronaut - Archwing's speed increased by 20%.
- Dodge - Reduce incoming damage by 10% while boosting.
- Threshing Speed - Ramming into enemies while Boosting deals 2000 particle damage.
- Artillery
- Target Sync - Target lead indicators and ammo lockout.
- Phantom Eye - Augmented reprojection and turret suspensions allow for 360-degree combat engagement.
- Archwing Slingshot - High-speed deployment of Archwing in the combat zone (located at the top of the Railjack).
- Archwing Warhead - Slingshot Archwing damages fighters and penetrates the hulls of enemy crews (easier boarding).
- Artillery Command - Control of front mounted artillery guns (crew destroyer, but requires coordination with pilot).
- Cold Trigger - Reduces turret heat buildup by 20%.
- Advanced Artillery - Reduce recovery time from overheating by 50%. Extends Slingshot's range by 50% (more stopping benches and even easier boarding).
- Vengeful Archwing - Increases the power of the Archwing: Damage + 25%, Ability Strength + 20%, Ability Range + 20%, and Ability Effectiveness + 20%.
- Combat Drift - Drift reduces weapon heat build-up by 50% while increasing weapon damage by 50% (so someone needs Tier 5 pilot for this to work ).
- Reflex objective - The objective engages the turrets on the nearest lead indicator.
- Engineering
- Applied Omni - Accelerated Hazard Removal and Shell Repair.
- Flux Forge - Forge Flux Energy in real time to power the Battle Avionics ship.
- Ordnance Forge - Replenish combat pieces while deployed.
- Optimization Pass - Increase Forge yields by 25%.
- Dome Charge Forge - Supply the advanced artillery cannon during combat.
- Forge Accelerator - Increase the processing speed of the Forge by 25%.
- Full Optimization - Further increase Forge yields by 25%.
- Vigilant Archwing - Increases the defense of the Archwing. Health + 30%, Shield + 30% and Armor + 30%.
- Surplus Yield - Increase refinement yields by 10%.
- Anastasis - Remotely repair the dangers on board.
I recommend getting them all to rank 5 first, then pushing Gunnery to seven (more DPS and you can board and destroy crews more easily), and Engineering to 9 (better forge and more materials to bring home when you refine at the end of a mission). Rank 10 rewards are ... underwhelming, so don't insist on getting anything just yet unless you need mastery (because, yes, leveling up an intrinsic mastery of the rewards - 1500 per rank for a total of 60 for everything that has reached its maximum). It will take 000 Intrinsics to maximize everything, so focus on those first before moving forward in piloting and tactics. These unlocks follow you, so even if you are on someone else's Railjack, you will be able to do more and provide more assistance in completing the mission.
One final note: Archwing unlocks aren't limited to Railjack - they're applied to your Archwing in all modes.
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