The time for patch notes has arrived for Warframe, once again. Another patch has arrived to resolve some issues that players are experiencing. This one brings optimizations, modifications to the Shawzin and general fixes.
Warframe - Prime Vault 25.7.5 Patch Notes
- Optimized level loading and level streaming (you will need to optimize your cache once to be able to use the new system).
- Increased the estimate of free space needed to optimize the download cache to prevent some people with nearly full drives from experiencing issues.
- Fixed crash when changing map in Conclave (among other rarer cases).
- Fixed software lock when opening chat.
- Fixed the chat functionality in the Shawzin screen.
- Fixed a script error when "joining the hunt" of Simaris.
Shawzin changes:
- Chat button on controllers can no longer be bounced in Shawzin controller links. If this key has already been linked due to the lack of this restriction previously, it will be corrected to reestablish the link.
- The name “Vibrato” has been changed to “Whammy” to more accurately reflect its function.
- Tweaked Liset “sky” emissive loading screen / lighting.
- Updated reflections in Captura Scenes.
- Augur Mod Set Bonus will now continue to grant more Overhields up to the maximum Overhield amount.
- Brightness attenuation of Gaussian thermal Sunder capacitance.
- Operator's ear accessories are now visible when the Saturn Six mask is in the closed position.
- Updated terminology for types of damage in Portuguese.
- Fixed Kitguns Catchmoon, Arca Plasmor, and a few other weapons not being able to damage the Synopia Ropalolyst.
- Nova's antimatter bomb detonated prematurely when you aim your weapon and lean a bit. We tried to fix this in 25.7.4, but it broke it even more!
- Fixed the ability to equip Arcana you don't have via Mod Link. As reported here.
- Fixed the Lua objective appearing under the same base objective icon in the Arsenal / Inventory screen.
- Fixed Mag Prime appearing super bright.
- Fixed operators operating over the air as a client if you are using forwarding just like you are falling down a level. As reported here.
- Fixed a number of different Operator Accessories causing excessive clipping with Norg's Mask and Mother's Mask when 'Hood Open' is selected.
- Fixed horror not appearing in the Codex… they were shy and hiding underground.
- Revive FX fixed host being replicated for clients.
- Fixed inability to complete Rank 12 Mastery Test if you fall from the starting platform.
- Fixed clipping Etheria armor sets with many Warframes / Skins.
- Fixed duplicate color names in the Heino Kubrow Gene Masking Kit.
- Fixed a typo in the name of Deaelra Kavat Skin (changing from an L to an I).
- Fixed a text string appearing when dismantling Servofish in Fortuna.
- Fixed elevator control panels hovering in the air in the Corpus Outpost cobblestone complex.
- Fixed enemies spawning inside walls in the Corpus Outpost Exterminate group.
- Fixed enemies not teleporting when falling into pits in the Orokin Derelict Exterminate tile group.
- Fixed teleporters in featured dojos would sometimes teleport to their own dojo.