Ash is an interesting mix of deadly power and stealth, which allows the player to move around unnoticed by enemies or take them down quickly and efficiently. While its invisibility is far from the longest duration in the game, it allows you to either sneak past sentries or gain the attention of the enemy long enough to escape or reposition yourself in combat. . For his ultimate ability, he can mark enemies and then create clones of himself that attack marked enemies with vicious melee attacks. In this guide, we'll show you how to get Ash.
How to get ashes
Like all Warframes, Ash is built in the Foundry using blueprints that are picked up in the game. In Ash's case, the blueprints will drop after killing Grineer Maniacs. These rare and savage enemies will only appear under certain circumstances. Knowing the most effective ways to get a Maniac spawn means you can cut down on the potential time spent grinding Ash plans.
How to find Grineer Maniacs
One of the easiest ways to spawn Maniacs is to complete Defection Missions. Depending on the location of the mission, Maniacs will spawn at certain times.
- Memphis sur Phobos – 10-12 minutes
- Caracol on Saturn - 6-8 minutes
- Yursa sur Neptune - 5-6 minutes
It is possible that several Maniacs could appear in a mission, and the Lotus will alert you that a Maniac has arrived to try to kill the survivors you are trying to save. It should be noted that Maniacs can and will fight other enemies in the level and can die for them. As such, it's much easier to breed Maniacs as a team, with each player covering different areas and hopefully finding and killing the Maniacs. They can then mark the location so others can go and find what the Maniac drops.
It should be noted; While plenty of Drekar Maniacs appear during Tyl Regor's boss fight, these Maniacs won't let Ash's plans go down. Maniacs can also spawn after around 15 minutes in any Grineer Survival mission, or after five excavators in any Grineer Excavation mission, this is not a guaranteed appearance, however. As you can see, the easiest way to ensure interactions with Maniacs is to simply complete Defection Missions.
If you want to get your hands on Ash, I highly suggest that you run Defection Missions on Yursa as he has the fastest spawn timer for them. Simply have the first group of survivors sit at the life support until the Maniac shows up, then kill them and extract the team. Quickly extract the second squad, then go and repeat the mission as needed. Remember to cultivate them until you have the blueprints for the neuroptics, chassis, and systems. Once you have them all, you can grab the Main Market Blueprint for Credits and then build the Warframe in your Foundry.