Warframe's Empyrean content has received another Hotfix, to help smooth out some of the wrinkles players have experienced since the expansion's surprise launch on December 12.
Of note in this fix is the removal of an annoying "friendship gate" from the Asturnoid Saturn Grineer tile set. For those not in the know, "Friendship Gates" require two people to open, which doesn't work best in Railjack battles as three people normally stay with the ship, while one of them will venture out to do whatever inner work the mission requires.
An Umbra Forma that fell to Earth was also moved to its intended location at Veil Proxima. If you've managed to snatch the Umbra Forma from an Earth mission, then consider yourself one of the lucky ones. There have also been a few fixes for content outside of Empyrean content, so if a particular bug bothered you recently, you can check out the full patch notes below.
Empyrean: Hotfix 27.0.3
* We have made a change to the Umbra Forma Blueprint reward. This is an intentional reward for Railjack missions in the Veil Proxima region (harder enemies, better rewards)! Threads were crossed to make him fall to Earth, which is unintentional.
Railjack changes and fixes:
- Fixed Zetki Cryophon stats to their expected values. This fixes the Zetki Cryphon not having stronger damage than the base Cryphon.
- Improved flares and explosion effects of fighters and crews in Railjack missions.
- Fixed incorrect scale and lighting of a certain prison.
- Fixed a missing collision on some Railjack crews.
- Fixed a crash when attempting to join a player's Railjack from their Orbiter.
- Fixed a script crash that could kill your Railjack HUD.
- Fixed for customers not seeing turret weapon attachment animations in Railjack.
- Removed an unnecessary Friendship Gate from inside the Saturn Grineer Asteroid tile set.
- Fixed missing transmissions in the world on Jupiter's Gas City tile set.
- Fixed Terra Embattor Moa mortar attack that broke if a target was destroyed while it was being targeted.
- Fixed script crash if a Shield of Arbitration drone tried to protect certain types of NPCs.
- Fixed a race condition on the network that could result in missing client side FX effects in hack missions.
- Fixed broken HUD items in Hijack missions after a host migration.
- Fixed a script error that would occur if a client joined a fishing trip in progress.
- Fixed a script error when casting Volt's discharge ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Nova's Molecular Prime ability.
- Fixed a script error related to Kavats.
- Fixed a potential script error in the Sentinel of Vengeance precept.
- Fixed a potential script error in Raging Kubrow's precept.