Warframe is a great game, but it can have issues from time to time. Like all games, Warframe has a lot of moving parts, and sometimes players might get error messages. One of the current issues is the "DNS Lookup Failed" error which is currently affecting some drives.
Warframe - DNS Lookup Failure Error Explained
According to the Warframe website, DNS (Domain Name Service) is a web service that translates the name of a website into its digital Internet address. When Warframe attempts this step of the login process, your system cannot communicate properly.
The causes of this problem may include a problem with your ISP's DNS servers or a faulty proxy / VNP configuration.
They recommend the following steps to try to resolve the issue:
- Restart your computer or console
- Restart your modem and router
They also advise you to contact your Internet service provider if the "DNS lookup failed" error persists. In this particular case, I am not convinced that the problem is with the user. The reason is the sheer number of people who appear to be affected. When I try to connect to the game I get the message "DNS lookup error", but I can still connect to the game. What is strange is that I am connecting to a full private instance. When I go to Cetus or Fortuna, there is no other Tenno around.
I suspect this is an issue for the game at this time, and one should remain vigilant until Digital Extremes has a chance to investigate and possibly fix it. I will update this article with the latest news regarding this issue.