Blizzard has been a busy business recently. fast approaching, and new Allied races have just arrived for. This is just the start, as the game's juggernaut is on the way - that's a lot to look forward to. I? I'll settle down with nostalgic cheaters. All of the “All your bases are ours” references in these cheat codes are so old in internet terms, I feel like my hair is turning gray as we speak.
How to enter cheat codes
To enter a cheat code, press (Enter) and enter the cheat code. Press (Enter) again and you will get a message saying “Cheat Enabled!”. Some codes can be disabled - to disable a cheat, type the code again.
List of cheat codes
- whosyourdaddy - Make your units invincible with 1-hit death attacks.
- pointbreak - Remove the food limit.
- homeland (Race) (Level ##) - Go to any level. .
- tenth level - Play "Earth, Wind and Fire".
- greed is good - Grants 500 gold / 500 wood.
- keysersoze # - Give (#) quantity of gold.
- leafittome # - Gives (#) quantity of wood.
- whoisjohngalt - Allows research.
- warpten - The build time is super fast.
- iocainepowder - Units die faster.
- I see dead people - Removes fog of war.
- sharpandshiny - Upgrade all units and buildings on a level.
- All your bases belong to us - Instant victory.
- somebodysetusupthebomb - Instant defeat.
- strength and honor - Cannot trigger defeat.
- itvexesme - Cannot trigger victory.
- there is no spoon - All units have unlimited mana.
- thedudeabides - Removes the cooldown of the current spell.
- live a glasses - Goes into the light of day.
- curfew - Go to night.
- synergy - Deactivate the tech tree.