2021 for TV series opened with a title highly anticipated, but which still managed to surprise everyone. We are talking about WandaVision, show that opens a new way of communication for that colossal franchise that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is in fact the first TV series linked to the saga to debut on Disney +. And while it's not the first time the MCU has entered the small screen, it's kind of like it is. So let's find out what WandaVision is and why look at it.
What is WandaVision about?
We left most of the Marvel heroes to lick their wounds after the events of Avengers: Endgame. The clash with Thanos was won, the victims of the snap were brought back to life, but the fallen were still there, even among the ranks of our favorites.
In addition to Black Widow and Iron Man, too Vision the android (or rather syntezoid) born under the threat of Ultron died in the long battle. It was not possible to bring him back to life e Wanda Maximoff, who was developing a deep relationship with him, is traumatized by this event.
For this reason we are a little perplexed to see the couple at the beginning of this show together again, ready to start her new married life in the town of Westview. But there is another element that leaves us very confused. The two are in fact in black and white, immersed in what looks like a real sit-com, with all its typical narrative elements and even recorded laughter.
What is this world? What's happening to the MCU? Why is Vision still alive? Why does the sit-com vibe seem to completely blow up in places? WandaVision will take us along a intricate path to answer all these questions, paying homage to the history of television and at the same time reflecting on all its mechanisms.
WandaVision confuses and excites you and ...

Is not easy enter the world of WandaVision. It is a product that plays with the viewer and takes all his time. Retrieving it now, without having to wait a week between episodes, is easier, but still necessary anticipate a good dose of confidence. The first episodes are in fact a calm preparation, a laying the foundations for what will come, without haste, suggesting without saying too much.
Episode after episode the web of mystery that surrounds the city of Westview is made more and more dense. There are new characters appearing, new oddities difficult to explain, new incomprehensible appearances that they bend reality in which Wanda and Vision move.
There is a fantastic game from the authors with their audience. It is as if we were completely in the palm of their hand. They know very well when to give answers, but by carefully dosing them and actually exploiting them to open new questions. Above all, they know perfectly well who is on this side of the screen and show it by putting of the alter egos of the spectators themselves on the show, in a thrilling meta-narrative.
In all this, it offers the possibility of go deeper in the knowledge of two characters of the MCU remained so far on the sidelines: Wanda Maximoff and Vision. Throughout their history even those who do not know their comic history and have only seen them in the rear of the Avengers he will fall deeply in love with them.
WandaVision is the first step of the new Marvel (and of a new seriality)

As mentioned at the beginning, this it is not the first attempt to bring the Marvel universe to television. Indeed, we have already talked about that little pearl that is Agents of SHIELD, the first real show dedicated to the franchise. But WandaVision is much more.
This show is just the first of one new phase of the franchise (the fourth) that will bring a lot of content to Disney +. Shows that, unlike in the past, will actually be part of the MCU and not on its margins. The heroes will jump from the small to the big screen and they will be stations in the great narrative of the saga.
The promise is to bring on television (or rather, on the Disney + streaming platform) real parts of the MCU and not just fragments, small additions for the most hardcore fans. And, at least as far as WandaVision is concerned, the promise is kept.
The feeling, watching this show, is really that of watch a movie of the saga, with all its typical characteristics, the atmosphere and above all the high level of production. The only difference is that instead of being told in a single two-hour solution, it comes developed (and not simply broken) into many different episodes.
A successful experiment

The Marvel Cinematic Universe had the merit of being able to bring the mechanisms of seriality at Cinema. Its architects have created what from many points of view can be framed as a TV series, developed over a period of eleven years and over twenty films.
Now with the so called Phase 4 it seems they are trying to follow the reverse process. The idea is that of bring cinema into seriality, creating chapters that have a cinematic soul but developed in a different medium.
With WandaVision the experiment is undoubtedly successful, creating one of the already most successful and most interesting shows of this 2021. The next to take the field will be Falcon and the Winter Soldier and judging by the trailers, other great results are to be expected. But who knows, maybe we'll talk about it in an upcoming appointment ...

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