Here's everything you need to know about The Haunting of Verdansk in Call of Duty: Warzone, including the event start time and details about the new Zombies mode and Night mode.
When does the dread of Verdansk begin?
The Haunting of Verdansk will begin on Tuesday, October 20 and continue until November 3. The event will begin at 10 a.m. PT / 13 p.m. ET. We've converted this time to multiple time zones for your convenience below.
- 10h00 PT
- 12 h 00 CT
- 13 h 00 HE
- 18:00 p.m. UK
- 19:00 a.m. CEST
The event will run for two weeks and change several aspects of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, spicing things up in both standard multiplayer and Warzone battle royale. There will also be a host of spooky rewards up for grabs that you can keep after the event ends.
Zombie royale
Zombie Royale is the star of the show for The Haunting of Verdansk. This limited-time Warzone mode allows dead players to return to the battlefield as undead zombies, eliminating the need for the Gulag. Infected players cannot use weapons, but they do have super speed, powerful melee attacks, super high jumps, and heat vision to help them keep up with their targets still alive. When a player is killed, a syringe falls on the map.
If a zombie collects two of these syringes, they redeploy into combat as a human player. The last team with a surviving human player wins, even if that player's teammates have all been infected. This mode takes place in the dead of night, so familiar Warzone landmarks can appear a little different in the pale moonlight.
Warzone night mode
Some warzone modes, including Trios when The Haunting of Verdansk begins, will feature a nighttime version of the Verdansk map. Warzone plays differently in the dead of night, so change your loadout accordingly to survive in the dark. Pack thermal optics and use the Cold-Blooded advantage to give yourself a tactical advantage against enemies who swing thermal gear.
There are also a few scares strewn across the map. Like any good horror, there aren't too many details about the horrors of Verdansk, but there are rumors that a creepy ventriloquist doll is appearing on TVs. There are also reported sightings of a chainsaw-wielding ghost near Krovnik farmland and a ghost train near the station. If the stories are to be believed, this ghost train carries the souls of those who lost their lives in the Gulag. These spooky sightings will be common during The Haunting of Verdansk, so keep an eye out as you try to get your Trick or Treat rewards.
Candy boxes
During The Haunting of Verdansk, 16 areas of the Warzone map have a chance to generate special Supply Boxes. These crates have a chance to reward you with a new weapon blueprint, business card, or other universal items, but not all of these boxes are fun and fun. If you don't get one of these "goodies", there will be a "tip" in the box of supplies that is sure to surprise you. It won't hurt you, but you will likely be treated for jumpscare.
There are two ways you can check your progress and see how many Halloween items you've collected. The first way is to check the Tac card screen during a game, and the second way is to visit the “Halloween Event” section of the Warzone menu. This section of the menu will tell you where to find all the Trick or Treat Supply Boxes and tell you what rewards you are missing.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre et SAW Skins
The Haunting of Verdansk brings several spooky skins to Call of Duty: Warzone, so check the store frequently during the event to see what's on offer. Headlining the new cosmetics line, two sets are themed a pair of all-time horror classics: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and SAW. You can get the Leatherface skin for Velikan with a few other Texas Chainsaw Massacre items in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre pack or the Billy skin for Dead with a few SAW goodies in the SAW pack. The SAW Pack also includes the Phlebotomizer Throwing Knife which pierces enemies on impact.
There are also a few other Halloween-themed items coming to the in-game store, so keep an eye out for those. Dr. Karlov, the infamous scientist from The Haunting of Verdansk, will be available for purchase during the event. Ghost is getting spooky new gear in the Ghost: Grim Reaper pack, and Mace is getting a new Dia de los Muertos pack as well.
Multiplayer changes
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer isn't immune to scares. The Haunting of Verdansk will infiltrate a few multiplayer modes once the event begins, so keep an eye out for some spooky changes. Scarecrows will replace flags in Domination, skulls will replace name tags in Kill Confirmed, and other visual effects will be present in most game modes.
Getting three kills in a life in any game mode will turn your character's head into a lantern, and expanding your kill streak to 10 will set that lantern on fire. You can try them out for yourself in the event's two new limited-time modes: Onslaughter and Snipers Only.
The Haunting of Verdansk kicks off in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on October 20 at 10 a.m.PT. The event will run until November 3. For more information on the event, visit the Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare website.