To prevent London from sinking into chaos, you will need medicines in Vampyr . There are nine different types of medicines in Vampyr , illustrated in three prescription books. Each book contains three recipes: the first one will be given to you automatically, the other two (with six recipes attached) will have to be found by you. These prescription books are incredibly easy to lose. If you don't look in every body and wardrobe during Act 1, there is a good chance that you will lose these medicines.
Not having medication is bad news when playing at Vampyr . Everyone you meet in the city may exhibit symptoms of the Spanish flu, a terrible disease that is killing hundreds of people in London. If you want to stop the spread of the disease, you have to take these medicines.
If you don't have the correct medicine unlocked, it will be impossible to treat people. If you don't treat the symptoms, they will become worse and harder to treat. While you rest, the stability of the region will be reduced. If the region falls below the "Critical" line, you will lose the investigation, NPCs to talk to, and murderous creatures will come after you. Not a good scenario.

How to treat NPCs
Treatment is an important part of Vampyr . Without all nine drugs unlocked, some NPCs cannot be cured - and their condition will continue to worsen, causing a decrease in the stability of the region and the spread of the disease.
To stop the spread of the disease and increase the stability of a region, it is necessary to provide treatment to NPCs. From the menu, scroll through the NPC lists for each area to quickly check which NPCs are sick. A yellow indicator will show you which NPCs are currently sick. To treat them, create the corresponding therapeutic treatment and talk to them. Press [R1] to offer treatment to the NPC.
After an NPC has received treatment, they will enter the "recovery" state. That means they'll heal the next time you sleep in a hiding place.
How to unlock medication prescriptions
First list of medications
The first three recipes are unlocked automatically at the beginning of the game.
Fatigue treatment: (1) glass vial, (1) quinine, (2) iron tartrate, (2) sodium hypochlorite solution
Treatment for anaemia: (1) glass vial, (2) quinine, (8) iron tartrate, (8) sodium hypochlorite solution
Sepsis treatment: (1) glass vial, (4) quinine, (15) iron tartrate, (15) sodium hypochlorite solution
Second list of drugs
Chapter 2: Night Shift - At the beginning of Chapter 2, at Pembroke Hospital you will talk to Nurse Crane about supplies at the hospital. She needs an antiseptic. She will send you to the old morgue cellar for supplies. Down below, you'll find a difficult Skal boss. In the boss's room, look in the container in the top right-hand corner. You'll find the prescription: use it on the workbench to unlock the drugs.
Treatment for cold: (1) glass vial, (1) clove essence, (2) codeine, (2) potassium permanganate
Treatment for bronchitis: (1) glass vial, (2) clove essence, (8) codeine, (8) potassium permanganate
Treatment for pneumonia: (1) glass vial, (4) clove essence, (15) codeine, (15) potassium permanganate.
Third list of medicines
Chapter 2: Holy Crusade - When you reach White Chapel, talk to the crazy priest (Father Tobias Whitaker) on the steps of the church. He will send you on a mission to Stonebridge Cemetery. You will also go to the cemetery to complete a main mission later. Just outside the gates of the main cemetery from Old Whitechapel Road, you will find a crater to the right with a corpse. Look for the corpse to get the last three recipes.
Treatment for headache: (1) Glass vial, (1) Salicin, (2) Ergotamine, (2) Opium
Treatment for migraine: (1) glass vial, (2) salicin, (8) ergotamine, (8) opium
Treatment for neuralgia: (1) Glass vial, (4) Salicin, (15) Ergotamine, (15) Opium