Every culinary recipe in Valheim
- x10 Barley flour
Blood sausage
- x2 thistle
- x2 Blood bag
- x4 Barley flour
carrot soup
- x3 carrots
- x1 mushroom
Cooked Lox Meat
- x1 raw Lox meat
Cooked Snake Meat
- x1 Raw Snake Meat
Cooked meat
- x1 raw meat
Cooked fish
- Cook any fish on the cooking rack
Fish wraps
- x2 cooked fish
- x4 Barley flour
Grilled neck tail
- x1 raw neck meat
- x8 raspberries
- x8 blueberries
Lox Meat Pie
- x2 blueberries
- x2 cooked Lox meat
- x4 Barley flour
Snake Stew
- x1 mushroom
- x1 Cooked Snake Meat
- x2 honey
- x2 Bowels
- x1 raw meat
- x4 thistle
Queens Jam
- x8 raspberries
- x8 blueberries
Turnip stew
- x1 raw meat
- x3 turnips
There you have it, each recipe you can cook right away, as long as you have the material for it. If you find another recipe in the game, which has not yet been discovered, please feel free to comment on this guide so that we can update it immediately.
Valheim is now available via Steam Early Access.