Last January (2020) the UK Metropolitan Police (known familiarly as the Met) announced that it would start using facial recognition in some neighborhoods to try to locate criminals.
As usual, vague figures are used to justify the measure (the measure has the support of 80 per cent of the citizens consulted in agreement) and which will only be done in certain areas and clearly indicating the function - as if there were an alternative when driving on the pavement.
There is not just the concern about the invasion of privacy - that it exists - or the potential abuse that "power" can make of a monitoring tool like this - that is perfectly conceivable, or that images recorded without consent are used. at another completely different time as documentation.
What if the system is hacked and used for different purposes or if the feeds are simply shared without the administration knowing - or yes?

It is not that the administration - of any country - has given the feeling of protecting its governed or that they are particularly trustworthy. Corruption, misappropriation of funds, illegal activities… all countries have experienced shameful episodes of abuse against citizens.
It is clear that if it is claimed that it will be to increase the security of the neighborhoods, it will only look for identifications of criminals already authorized by a judge, etc. the "good citizens" will agree.
On this page they provide shocking examples of population abuse in different countries using facial recognition.
After all, what could possibly go wrong?
If implemented in the UK - although the European Union wants to ban the use of facial recognition in public spaces - they will soon make a case for its use, or application in "special or extraordinary circumstances" which will then remain forever. .
This news reminded me of the designs of Chicago resident Scott Urban who designs reflective and anti-infrared goggles to protect the face from being caught by surveillance cameras.
Scott raised $ 25.472 for his Kickstarter project.
Equipped with special optical filters, the IRpair anti-surveillance goggles block facial recognition by blocking infrared radiation and letting in natural light. IRpair also blocks iris scanners.
Phantom prevents facial recognition by using a frame that reflects infrared rays. It also prevents security cameras (which use IR) from doing biometric searches with your face.
What is clear is that alternative solutions to the power of Big Brother will need to be found.