The search unlocks new equipment and items for your hospital. This Research In Two Point Hospital Guide will explain the basics of the search function and some tips on how to set up a search operation base for all your hospitals.
After you have passed the first levels, you will eventually unlock the possibility to create a research lab. From this point on you can hire researchers to research new and valuable technologies for your hospital. The research is shared between all hospitals so you don't have to redo all the operations for every hospital you run.
Two Point Hospital : Research Guide
When setting up your initial research lab for the first time, you should do your best to increase the area up to level 5. Position multiple research stations, gold certificates, etc. This speeds up the process and helps researchers. It is a good idea to set up more research laboratories in your first hospital. This allows you to have as many rooms as possible for research in the next levels, without having to wait too long to start a project.
After setting the rooms, select each one individually and change the extra option for staff to the maximum setting of 4. Then you have to hire or train 8 doctors, 4 for each research room. Once your research team is ready, you have to make your staff members learn Research II, Research III and so on. This speeds up the whole research process considerably.
To further improve it, click on an employee and click on the work option at the bottom right.

This will make some very important Two Point Hospital s options appear. From here you can assign employees to certain tasks, or prohibit them from working in certain areas. From here you can make sure that your team works exclusively in research. You can also employ other people to fill in the gaps, let your researchers do their own thing.
This will allow you to search quickly and efficiently, without having to build many search stations later in the game.