Tropico 6, simulation management of the homonymous series, was originally released on PC, but it is also recently available on consul. We had the pleasure of trying the Limbic Entertainment title in its version for PlayStation 4, and we're here to give you the our opinion on the game.
So let's embark for the Carribean Sea, discovering the nation of Tropico under the guise of El Presidente!
A solar management software
The management series Tropico, which began with the first chapter of the 2001, sees us grappling with the nation of Tropico, an island in the Caribbean Sea, which we will have to controllare in the shoes of his president o dictator.
Many steps forward have been made compared to the past, unlike the first chapter, which only included the period of Cold War, in Tropico 6 the title will be composed of all the eras between colonial conquests and modern times.
Another major change from previous games is the fact that the nation will not understand one island, but a entire archipelago.
The size of the various islands will be variables and nella modalità sandbox we will decide them. We can then decide, based on our skill in the genre of managing one small island or huge archipelago.
The title will feature two different ways to enjoy the adventure: the mode sandbox and missions.
The first will allow us to manage almost completely sweeper our resources and Tropico itself. In the second instead we will follow some episodes of the life of El Presidente, we will therefore have to complete some loads with pre-established islands.
We really enjoyed this division of the title mode. As long as the missions are undoubtedly very intriguing and charismatic, we have found the true value of the title in running an island completely from scratch.
As far as the gameplay is concerned, Tropico 6 is able to adapt to the needs of every type of gamer, in particular to management enthusiasts.
The plunge in time
Regardless of which mode you choose, you will start the title fromcolonial era: our President in fact, his rise to power will begin from below. It will initially be a simple one governor of a colony of the British Empire.
From the beginning, however, we will have different tasks, not always easy: manage trade of the island will definitely be simple at the beginning, but theirregularities the arrival of the export money took us several times in red.
Pressures will also be important, both from the Revolutionaries, who will want to get rid of British rule, which fromEmpire same.
Also, in this era we found it very important to have a mandate time, which, once finished, will close our game without exception, making the first few games more arduous.
We found the tutorial of the title, explanatory it's enough exhaustive, although it lacks some advanced explanations.
Continuing in the title, we will discover the other eras present, which will be unlocked with special missions. In fact, from the colonial era we will arrive at World Wars, then to the era of Cold War and Modern times.
Each era will come with its own features e distinctive factions and will unlock new buildings and advanced features, which will make us more complex the management of the island, but which will add an air of freshness to the game every time.
In particular, in Sandbox mode since the World Wars amount of additions Sara awesome, so much so as to make the title more and more intriguing with each advancement.
A strong ironic narrative
As is the custom of the series, there will be many stylistic additions. Although the title deals with themes heavy, like dictatorship and corruption, it does so with a lot of tone allegro e light.
THEirony will never fail in the words of the voices of the various charismatic characters that we will meet during the title.
The game world in fact seemed to us extremely successful, also thanks to the experience accumulated from previous chapters. For example, Penultimate, our second-in-command, will always succeed in make us smile with his exaggerated fidelity and his jokes.
El Presidente itself, although it is not particularly present, has an air very charismatic around it, and it will be an addition somewhat important to the feeling of the title. Of note is also the possibility of personalize is El Presidente that his Palazzo.
Many other details too, such as the cutscene of the game, or the loading screens, have attracted the our interest. For example, we found the choice to put some curiosity about dictators of the world on the latter.
The sound compartment title, at our discretion phenomenal. It manages to perfectly convey theatmosphere of the title e all the songs of the soundtrack are incredibly catchy e on the subject.
Le title music they stayed there long in mind even after finishing a game, so we feel we owe them promote with flying colors. We also really enjoyed the Italian dubbing, at our discretion very successful.
We therefore consider the game world to be, with his stylistic peculiarity, Art e of dialogues, extremely successful e charismatic.
Management on console
The management mechanics of the title are not in the least to be underestimated. They manage not to seem too much tricky, leaving however a strong depth of gameplay, making the title appealing to both ai novices that to the experts.
However, it is known that i management, titles designed and developed for PC, are not very suitable for console controls.
Again, the controls they did not surprise us. As much as enough accessible, we found them throughout our playing time extremely uncomfortable e annoying to use.
It certainly won't impossible do what we need to do, but often it will be difficult press options or we will have moments of confusion in using them. We therefore consider them sufficient, but enough harmful to the experience, considering the gender.
The nation of Tropico behind our sunglasses
Graphically, we found Tropico 6 enjoyable to the eye, however i polygons, especially when seen close, they will really seem dated.
I movements of the characters in the island will look extremely meccanici and the textures of the presee, vehicles and buildings have enough disappointed, excluded for the few cutscene of the game.
However, if up close the textures seemed low quality and not worthy of the quality of the title, we can instead say that theimpressed that leaves the island seen from afar is pleasant.
We have often found it serious graphic bugs in the title, which were enough annoying.
The sore point is also the lunghezza exaggerated uploads, which often lasted even up to 2 o 3 minutes just to load a save, which we felt like excessive for the graphic performance of the title.
Finally, there was no shortage of several frame drops, also remarkable e Frequently in more excited moments, with even some crash of the title.
On the technical side, the title is in fact quite enough poorly optimized, in particular on the Sony console, which has left us enough incredulous, considering how little the title actually is weights.
Let's hope though in some patches for game optimization and the resolution of some graphic bugs, as they affect the experience enough.
El Presidente's adventure in Tropico
Overall the title has mechanics well implemented, a world extremely well characterized e charismatic and gameplay accessible but complex in the more advanced stages.
The game modes really seemed to us well done e interesting and we are satisfied with the great additions in the series of this chapter. The title however suffers from serious technical problems e graphi, ei controls of the Sony console really seemed to us uncomfortable.
The title is certainly fun guaranteed, and if you are intrigued by it we strongly recommend the purchase, but we cannot help but think that the PC version is a best choice.