There are many things in Tim Cook's Apple that can satisfy the outside observer. Among these is the social conscience and the active role that Apple has taken in defending what - in its words - it deems right.
You can agree or disagree, believe in the honesty of your intentions or not, but it is commendable that the lukewarm is abandoned so as not to harm the business and comes forward by establishing a clear framework for the discussion.
At least, I like it a lot and, as I have expressed on other occasions, I wish there were more entrepreneurs and companies like that.
Tim Cook's strategy
Tim Cook, with that characteristic southern thrift, has adopted a double position. He has no problem sitting at the table with Donald Trump, because he believes that it is better for him to listen to the opinions of those who do not think like him, and to establish a constructive dialogue that brings the economy and the country to a good destination, but does not give up to publicly and blatantly express their opinion when decisions seem wrong.
Donald Trump's strategy
Based on the slogan "Take America back for the Americans," Donald Trump won an election (others will say Hillary Clinton lost it) by promising his fellow citizens everything they wanted to hear. Using a selective reality, in which he only recognizes what suits him, he has shown that he has no problem with lying, threatening or falsifying data in order to be above - action in the face of the pandemic is a very summary example. Its policy on foreign nationals working in the United States is also a good summary. The United States does not need foreigners, the only thing they do is steal jobs from the "good Americans" and therefore all possible difficulties must be put in place so that they remain in the country.
The reason for the disagreement
On Monday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order suspending visas for foreign workers. Over it. The order also includes L-1 visas, which allow companies to transfer staff working off-continent to the United States, and H-1B visas, which allow companies to employ college-level workers in specialized jobs.
According to The Migration Policy Institute, up to 219.000 workers may not be able to enter (or work) in the United States.
Large tech companies often turn to the H-1B program, which allows 85.000 "skilled workers" to move to the United States with their families. In 2019, Amazon received more H-1B visas than any other American company.
Tim Cook's words:
Like Apple, this nation of immigrants has always found strength in our diversity and hope in the promise of the American dream. There is no new prosperity without both. Deeply disappointed with this announcement.
Like Apple, this nation of immigrants has always found strength in our diversity and hope in the lasting promise of the American dream. There is no new prosperity without both. Deeply disappointed with this announcement.
- Tim Cook (@tim_cook) June 23, 2020
In addition to Tim Cook, CEOs of Google, YouTube and Tesla have released official statements showing their categorical disagreement with the president's decision to suspend work visas for immigrants.