Once you've killed Little Johnny, grabbed the EMP 44 Starfish drone, and then took out the other boss on the way back, you can head back to downtown Jericho and get a call from The Stranger, the NPC you have. met earlier in the after part. escape the detention center. He will tell you to go to his hiding place under the canal bridge.
How AID Armor For Abroad
Return to All Saints Boulevard, then take the magnetic elevator near the canal (indicated in the red rectangle above) to the platform below. Go up the canal and you will find a locked door. Use the EMP 44 Starfish to open it, enter and you will meet the stranger. He will ask you to get him some AID armor
Head up the street as best you can, then head towards All Staint Boulevard. You will find a guard post with an energy barrier guarded by two IDF soldiers, dressed in full armor.
This is the easiest place to farm for armor pieces. You have to take helmet, body armor, leg armor and arm armor by cutting off the head, body, arms and legs of an AID guard You can just go back to the Med bay and reset the area, then come back here to cultivate them again. Once you've collected all the pieces, head to Med Bay and craft the armor remembering to craft 2 arm pieces and 2 leg pieces, then return to the stranger's hideout and sell them -him.
When you give it to him he will leave to get to the mission he has in mind, you will be able to access the chest he was sitting on and get yourself a good chunk of loot.