In recent months there had been much rumors of a possible transposition for the hybrid console of Nintendo of some of the most important titles in the saga of Super Mario. However, it was a surprise for many to see Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine e Super Mario Galaxy su Nintendo Switch in a single container. The validity and beauty of these titles has already been demonstrated over the years and the porting to the new console has been done properly. After trying it, we are therefore ready to give you our review on the collection Super Mario 3D All Stars.
The review of Super Mario 3D All Stars
As mentioned above, the validity of the selected games is probably one of the few objective aspects. All three have a score above 90 su Metacritic and are generally regarded as videogame milestones. Starting from Super Mario 64, the game for Nintendo 64 which, in the "distant" 1997, introduced the 3D and a representation of the Mushroom Kingdom in the series. His use of the camera and analog controls, although rudimentary, they were considered revolutionary at the time.
The collection continues with Super Mario Sunshine (2002, GameCube) is Super Mario Galaxy (2007, Wii). In the first, in addition to a graphic improvement and the introduction of new characters fundamental for the expansion of the Mario world, the evolution is mainly visible in the extensive use of thewater, both in the environment and as Mario's "weapon". In the second, then, the use of Wii Remote and a modality multiplayer asimmetrica, in addition to the spatial setting that tries to expand the Mario universe to an interplanetary dimension, they mark a further step forward in terms of gameplay ed gaming experience.
A historic hat-trick
Having the chance to enjoy these three games in a single container makes the natural evolution of which then led to even more evident Mario Odissey, the 'native' 3D title for Nintendo Switch. Fixed points, such asfree exploration of the worlds and the possibility of complete, collecting stars or similar objects, in a non-linear way, they share these games even in their differences.
Nintendo wanted to highlight the milestone aspect of this collection from the presentation of the various titles. In fact, in the selection screen for each title they are present information regarding the launch, the plot and the historical-videogame context.
To top it all off, Nintendo has also included a album with all the tracks musical. the soundtrack it can also be listened to in modality jukebox, or with the Switch screen off to make the experience even more immersive
A faithful port (or maybe not)
Considering we're talking about titles each coming to a different console, it's important to evaluate how they were transported on the new platform. Nintendo has focused heavily on fidelity, presenting a mixture of a porting it's a remastering.
Some changes are due, such as changing the dialogue lines to reflect the Switch keys or the ability to use the touch in Super Mario Galaxy in portable mode. Others are understandable, such as improving the resolution for Galaxy and Sunshine at the native resolution of the Switch (which also involved the switch from 4:3 a 16:9).

This point is also partly true for Super Mario 64, albeit in a somewhat bizarre way: in fact, the general resolution has been improved while maintaining the ratio of 4: 3 (when even a port made by fans for PC had managed to include the ratio of 16: 9 and the resolution 4K). The upgrade to 720p is not even "true", since, in addition to the inevitable side bands, there are also black bands Over and under the game, reducing the final resolution a bit more. The choice to selectively leave almost all the textures graphically unchanged, but to update some details instead, such as the game icons (which is also true for the other two games).

Fidelity, always in 64, goes even further in some points a little too far. An anachronistic loading of the game elements: given the memory limits and calculations of the Nintendo 64, several objects and enemies are not made visible on the screen (rendered) until we get close enough to them. This, if understandable and acceptable in the original, perhaps makes little sense on a console like the Switch.
Concerns aside, the gaming experience is otherwise extremely good, with sensations that mirror the original versions in a pleasant way. The hardware and software interface perfectly with each other. Any frustrating details (such as the management of the view in 64) are due to the design choices of the time and not to the port itself.
A launch that leaves some perplexity
The games are therefore masterpieces and the porting is, net of some details, excellent. However, there is another aspect to consider for this collection, not directly related to games, but still important. We are talking about the launch conditions: Nintendo has in fact set the classic as a list price €59,99, usually reserved for new titles such as Zelda Breath of the Wild e Mario Odissey. The package, framed in the context of Mario's 35th anniversary, will also be available for sale only until March 31 2021.
Both the price and the limited availability mark a deep breaking line compared to the past of Nintendo itself. Both the Wii that the Wii U that even the Nintendo 3DS they were in fact endowed with the service Virtual Console. With the relatively cheap Nintendo Points it was possible, on these systems, to buy a multitude of games from NES, the SNES and Nintendo 64, as well as from other third-party consoles.
For the first two, Nintendo delighted us with a rich library included in the subscription Nintendo Switch Online, which now also includes the two-dimensional collection Super Mario All Stars. For the titles N64 e GameCubeInstead, the chances of seeing them arrive in such an easily accessible way have now dwindled.
To buy or not to buy?
Net of the slight disappointment given by the above considerations, the collection proposed by Nintendo remains a product of the highest level, which includes three of the best Super Mario games. If you haven't played at least two of these titles, our advice is to take advantage of this well-kept opportunity.
If you have already played these games, own the original consoles or are only interested in some of these titles, you may decide to risk it and wait. The time limit of March 31st was in fact set for the collection itself, not for the individual games. There is therefore a possibility that, sooner or later, Nintendo will release the various titles directly on theeShop. Maybe, if it happens, it will coincide with the arrival of the great absentee of this collection, Mario Galaxy 2. At the moment, however, we have no confirmations or news about it.

Super Mario 3D All Stars
- A collection of historical and very beautiful games
- Faithful ports
- Price perhaps too high
- The improvements present are good but marginal
- Lack of GameCube controller support for Super Mario Sunshine