The Steam Summer Sale sales began June 25 and will last until July 9. It's called Steam Grand Prix Summer Sale and includes thousands of video games with 75% off prices. This includes even the biggest titles and minigames. If you could grow your library, it would be now. If you wanted to buy a game that you wanted to buy, now is the time.
Details of this Steam Summer Sale leaked a month ago via the Steam Database Twitter account. However, the full list of games is unmanageable as there are literally thousands of PC games that are marked for reduction, across all genres. To make things more engaging and interesting, Steam was also giving visitors a chance to win a few games for free if they took part in a mini-game that had some pretty complex quests.
Steam Summer Sale 2019 minigame
The extravagant mini-game has everything to do with the title of the event, Steam Grand Prix Summer Sale. In fact, the minigame is a Grand Prix game, as it was in previous years. This time around, participants will be able to earn Grand Prize points by doing quests, which can give a big reward if accumulated correctly. Players can also complete the quests as a team and the price is the game on your Steam Wish List, be sure to refresh it properly.
How to increase the already considerable discount?
There is another method that can be used in conjunction with the Steam Summer Sale and that is the gift card method. If you have a discounted gift card, the discount it offers will match the already hefty -50% drop and earn you up to -15% more, which means you will be able to purchase a game that costs normally $ 60 for $ 23. There are other PC gaming deals you can consider, and here are some of them:
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - 30 $
The Bloodstain: The Curse of the Moon - 6 $
Civilization VI ] - 15 $
Dead cells - 16,74 $
The devil can cry 5 - 39,50 $
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - 27 $
Hollow Knight - 9 $
Set of left 4 dead - 2,23 $
Sekiro: the shadows are dying twice - 48 $
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 24 $
SoulCalibur VI - 249,00 $
19659008] Stardew Valley - 12 USD
Star Wars: Complete Collection - 83.02 USD
Mortal Kombat 11 - 49.79 USD