The Kef LS50 Wireless II are the link between the music enthusiast and the audiophile. Quality audio and ease of use these are the fundamental characteristics.
The history of the Kef LS50
The first time I listened to the LS50s was at Top Audio in Milan, about ten years ago. At the time there was only the passive version (without internal amplification).
I entered a very large room and already from the outside you could hear a great sound.
Before entering the room, my brain imagined mammoth floor speakers and instead there were these two microbes that amazed me not only for the sound performance but also for their design: beautiful and at the same time functional for listening.

The LS50 was born at a very special time. Kef had just experienced major corporate changes and wanted to show the public that the brand was more alive than ever.
The LS50 was an ambitious project with objectives bordering on the impossible: to become the heir of the historic LS3 / 5 monitor also nicknamed by the experts "the shoe box" due to its size. The LS3 / 5, initially used in the BBC's mobile control stations, over time became one of the most popular loudspeakers among audiophile enthusiasts. They had the characteristic of returning a simply magical mid-high range even with obvious limitations at the bottom.
In short, these LS50s presented themselves as an important product, so important that it was almost presumptuous. Ten years later, we can say, with sales numbers in hand, that the goal has been achieved.
The competitors did not stand by and watch and so Kef after a few years presented some evolutions and a first version of the LS50 Wireless.
For an audiophile with a hankering to assemble, change and set up his own system, an almost all-in-one loudspeaker like this means a limitation of the game but that's only one side of the coin. The other side speaks of small dimensions, few threads scattered around the house and an optimal synergy between the various components of the chain, as everything has been designed to work together.

What are the Kef LS50 Wireless 2?
The Kef LS50 Wireless II are a real one audio system whose starting point is LS50 Meta, evolution of the LS50, inside which everything necessary to reproduce music in an almost completely autonomous way has been inserted.
So don't just call them speakers, the Kef Engineers could take it badly given the effort made to design them.
I defined them as Mary Poppins' bag: two small cabinets with a lot of things inside which we are going to give you more explanations now.
"Dacs, streamers, amps, DSPs but how the hell did they get all this stuff in here?"
Don't worry, we will explain it to you.

Know that there is a main speaker (Primary) which includes connections, a display with basic functions and the sensor for the remote control (supplied). The secondary speaker (Secondary) has the necessary connections to connect to the main speaker, a connection for the subwoofer and an IEC tray to connect to the mains. The thing where they differ from many competitors is that each speaker has its own onboard amplification.
If you thought that your mobile phone in addition to these two speakers is enough to have a real Hi-Fi system available, you are not wrong, it is the reality of the facts, but let's proceed step by step and find out more.
The amplification section and the metamaterial
Each speaker has two amplifiers. One in class D from 280 watt per low life and one in class AB from 100 watt per what alt. We are therefore talking about a total of 4 amplifiers that allow, according to the declared data, to reach a sound pressure of 108 dB at one meter. In short, you will have something to enjoy. Of course, the sound pressure alone is not enough, it is essential to contain the distortion. This is possible thanks to a well-sized amplification, but also thanks to the study carried out by the English brand for the realization of a synthetic material (metamaterial) which thanks to its labyrinth structure has the ability to absorb unwanted sounds coming from the rear part of the driver. . Its labyrinth structure of the MAT (metamaterial) is designed in such a way that each groove absorbs a very specific frequency range. Kef technicians claim to be able to absorb 99% of unwanted sounds coming from the back of the speakers.
Admit it, you never thought about it huh? These Kef engineers are really strong!
Kef's patented Uni-Q driver
The Kef LS 50 Wireless 2 are two-way speakers equipped with a patented driver called Uni-Q. This type of patent has distant roots, dating back more than 30 years ago and today it has reached its twelfth generation. To see it from afar, the Uni-Q seems to be equipped with a single loudspeaker, in reality, however, the mid-low frequency driver incorporates a tweeter with a wave guide, in charge of reproducing the high frequencies.
This choice stems from a study according to which the medium-low and medium-high frequencies radiating from two different positions end up interfering with each other. With the use of the Uni-Q system these interferences are reduced and consequently the sound is less subject to distortions. The Uni-Q system is Kef's answer to the so-called point source of which we will try to give you more details in the future. It is not the only solution in the world but it is certainly one of the valid ones.
What can I connect to with the Kef LS 50 Wireless 2?
The Kef LS50 Wireless II can connect to most streaming services on the market. We have mainly tested them with Tidal e Spotify tramite Spotify connect. Without forgetting Amazon HD and Quobuz. As for Tidal, know that these Kefs offer file support MQA in addition to certification Tidal Connect which will allow you to manage music directly from the Tidal app without using KEF CONNECT.

We also took advantage of the Roon Ready certification. What is it about? Roon is a latest generation paid player with a beautiful and user friendly graphic interface able to make the listening experience even more performing and above all bit perfect.

Certification Roon Ready will allow you to make the most of the protocol RAAT of Roon and enjoy the many features present on the expensive player.

Do not forget the presence of HDMI, compatible with ARC technology, to connect your TV and optical and coaxial inputs to use external sources such as a CD player. There is no USB input but you can still connect to a pc or nas via UPNP / DLNA or alternatively buy one of the many USB / COAX converters such as the M2tech Hiface.

If you are holding a giradischi, you can use it or go bluetooth, if your turntable has one, or by using the input AUX with a special cable terminated rca-jack 3,5mm. We would have liked a traditional analogue RCA or XLR input more.
If you love “telluric” bass, you can add up to 2 subwoofers through the appropriate connection.
How difficult is it to configure the KEF LS50 Wireless 2?
This was one of the aspects that intimidated me the most. Reading the website of the parent company we talk about many features, beautiful and comfortable but which could generate confusion and fear in the average user. Fortunately, this is not the case. Through the app KEF CONNECT in about 5 minutes you will be able to configure everything. Just follow the few and simple instructions (also in Italian) and as if by magic everything will work. Kudos to whoever designed the user interface for the simplicity of use. If you have heard of connection problems, you should know that they were referred to the first copies of the old version and that in our experience we have not encountered any type of problem. Finally, let's not forget compatibility with Google Chromecast e Apple Airplay 2.
You can choose to connect the Kef LS50 Wireless II in wired or wireless. Through the first you will have a resampling a 24 bit / 192 KHz while with the second you will arrive at 24bit/96KHz.
Kef Connect all within reach of TAP
The application KEF CONNECT it is the nerve center of the system. Through this APP available for both Android and Ios you can make the initial settings and then indulge yourself with the various streaming services supported directly in the APP (Tidal, Quobuz, Amazon HD and others)
Through a convenient drop-down menu you can select the desired source and adjust the volume.
You can also go to configure the DSP interior according to your type of environment. The interaction between the listening environment and the audio system is one of the things that most characterizes the sound result, so much so that some enthusiasts say that the first component of a Hi-Fi system is the environment. Kef responds to this problem with a DSP that offers you two different setting possibilities according to your needs.

KEF CONNECT will ask you for a few simple data like the positioning of the speaker, the greatness of the room and based on this will work to offer you maximum performance. In a decidedly cooler way, we can say that the Kef LS50 Wireless II use an active multi-amplification with 4 amplifiers. Two for the low routes in class d two for the high routes in class ab. All connected to an electronic crossover with DSP able to correct the phase misalignment due to the crossover and intervene on the various frequencies according to the environment in which the speakers are connected. All this also thanks to the information provided by the user

How do the Kef LS50 Wireless II sound?
We tested the LS50 Wireless II using them both resting on one desk that you place on one stand from about 60 cm in height by positioning ourselves at a distance of about three meters away. If you buy the dedicated Kef stands, you can anchor them to the diffuser by means of special threads. The answer to the title question is: “The Kefs sound good“. These mini speakers have a frequency response capable of reproducing most of the sound spectrum. Despite its size, the low range is well articulated without annoying queues and rumble. The mid-high range is extended and refined at the same time, without ever becoming annoying. Connecting the television and watching some films, you realize how precise and detailed the dialogues are.

Obviously you will not be able to reproduce a nuclear explosion of the last action movie released on DVD but the result compared to the standard audio system of a TV is simply abysmal. A test I often do is to see a film in English without subtitles. My limp English has greatly benefited from the intelligibility of the dialogues offered by these Kefs, making comprehension much easier. The parameters in which these English speakers excel are the reproduction of the stage sound and the ability to disappear. A test that I recommend you do is to put on a record that you know well. In my case L'Italiana in Algeri.

Closing your eyes the speakers disappear and the room seems to be surrounded by music. The recreated sound stage goes far beyond the speaker line and has a three-dimensional effect. It seems to be in front of the orchestra and the placement of the instruments is relevant to the real one. All the musicians are placed in the right place. The sound is rich in detail and the decay of the notes is simply excellent. The sound of the cymbals does not end in an instant but fades slowly over time. The transition from pianissimo to fortissimo is reproduced with unexpected vehemence for a speaker of this size. The timbre of the instruments is close to the real one. I review another album that I know very well of Sara K and here Kefs are like the Serie A leaders who play at home the game valid for the Scudetto: they give their best without losing a single note.

La focus of the voices is excellent and you can catch even the smallest nuances.
The instinct is to turn up the volume because there is no listening fatigue and the little Kefs don't struggle to sound out an environment of about 45 square meters. All the work that engineers do to combat distortion has its own why.
I made several double-blind tests by switching from wired to wireless mode and it is really difficult to see differences when listening. The great convenience of the wireless mode is to have the power cable constraint for positioning.
The qualitative differences between the various streaming services are easily audible and among all those tried, Tidal e Quobuz they are the ones who have met our expectations the most. Next we would put Amazon Music HD and then Spotify. If you decide to buy them, it is worth spending a few extra bucks for a high-resolution streaming service.
I could go on for pages but it doesn't seem the case. In summary, if you are looking for a speaker with a realistic tone, excellent finishes and easy to use with these Kefs, you may stop looking and think about dedicating yourself exclusively to listening to music. All from the comfort of the sofa while, inspired by great music, switch from the Kef Connect app to Tinder looking for an original message to send to your match.

Fine, but will they be current in 10 years?
Admit it you asked yourself this question huh? I could answer you by asking if your cell phone or your television will be, but it's not nice to answer a question with another question. Let's say that through the firmware updates, such a system is able to provide you with lasting support over time and that you will probably listen to them again in 10 years. In the two-channel audio sector the news are not as frequent and revolutionary as in other sectors and if the manufacturer will support you you could have a good night's sleep.

Would I buy the Kef LS50 Wireless II?
Years ago I bought the first passive LS50s and I liked them so much that I put upstream electronics with a cost at least 4 times higher because I thought it was right to enhance them. The Wireless version at 2.799 Euros I can say with absolute certainty that it is even convenient. Does the price seem high to you? do me the courtesy to listen to them and then write to us. You will probably change your mind. Ah also bring your partner / or the dimensions, the lines and the very few threads scattered around the house could convince even the most skeptical and stingy partner. Finally a Hi-Fi product that frees this world from the common Hi-Fi stereotype = difficult. Easy products like these are welcome, of quality and that can open the doors of Hi-Fi even to beginners.
At this point it would be nice to understand what the new Kef Blade Meta are able to combine. We book for a listen.
Technical features

Kef products are distributed in Italy by Hifight.
- Build quality
- Sound performance
- Easy to use
- An analogue RCA / XLR input is missing
Are active speakers the future? Video instructions for Ios and Android Offer
High fedelity
- Hornby, Nick (Author)