The Outer Worlds is a post-apocalyptic RPG, but it is strongly characterized by a sci-fi style story and setting. With this premise, we couldn't not expect weapons more peculiar than the standard ones and with energy properties related to the world of science fiction.
In The Outer Worlds there are five science weapons that make gunplay even more fun and varied if you can find them all.
In this guide, we briefly explain where to find all the science weapons in Obsidian's game.
The Outer Worlds | Where are the science weapons
Where is the Prismatic Hammer

Location: it is located in the secret engine room on the western side of the Pioneer ship, which is in the customs area. You can enter the engine room by creeping into a hole in the crew quarters.
Position of the Mind Control Radius

Location: Purchase the mission object "Datapad" from Duncan's shop in Fallbrook on Monarch, which is located on the right side of the city's main shopping area. You will then be sent to an abandoned lab in the town of Cascade. Eventually you will find the Mind Control Beam placed on a table inside the lab.
Position of the Phineas Shrinking Ray

Location: it is located on the table in front of Phineas in his orbital laboratory, where you can go as soon as you find the power regulator on Terra 2.
Where to get the Mandibular Rearranger

Location: Purchase the mission object "Datapad" from Gladys on the Pioneer ship and you will be asked to find it in a safe in a mining outpost on Scylla. Follow the target and you won't be able to lose it.
Location of the Gloop Gun

Location: Buy the Datapad mission object from Duncan's shop in Fallbrook on Monarch, which is located on the right side of the city's main shopping area. You will be asked to go to a research centre. After following the mission objective, you will reach a terminal that unlocks the science weapon from a previously locked chamber.