What will make your character different from everyone else? Their attributes. In The Outer Worlds, you have to start by choosing what will define your character with his attributes. These will determine many of their starting stats and make it easier. Now you can break away from these attributes as you play the game, but it will take a little time and effort. Here's what we know about Attributes and what else they have in the game.
Guide to the attributes of the outer worlds
The attributes of the game are divided into three different categories, with two different options. You have body, mind, and personality. Each of these determines how well you are going to be successful in a specific aspect of the game. For example, the Body category is going to boil down to how your character will fare in combat. There are two different aspects to focus on to determine specific things.
Related, related, related: The Outer Worlds Skills Guide
You'll pick the base stats for these picks at first, but they'll change over time as you play.
Do you want to move with a sense of agility and cunning? Look no further than having good dexterity. This option will provide you with a certain degree of speed to make your character's movements and speed seem effortless.
Inserting points into this attribute determines the overall speed of your melee attacks and how quickly you can reload your weapon from a distance.
Skills Affected by Dexterity: One-Handed Melee, Block, Dodge, Handguns, Lockpick, and Stealth
Do you want to walk into the room and lift the most massive object in a room to throw it at someone? You can make your character the toughest person in the room by giving them the biggest muscles they can walk around with.
Putting points in this attribute will determine how much damage your melee weapon deals during combat and how much your character can have in their inventory.
Skills Affected by Force: One-Handed Melee, Two-Handed Melee, Block, Heavy Weapons, Inspire, and Intimidate
Being the smartest person in the room has its perks. You are going to be able to distinguish a person's arguments with cold, hard logic, and you are going to rely on science as your greatest asset. It helps to know what's in a book before you open it.
By assigning points to this attribute, you determine the amount of additional damage inflicted by your character's critical hits upon hitting them.
Skills Affected by Intelligence: Determination, Hacking, Long Guns, Medicine, Persuasion, and Science
Do you think your character takes all the details into account during a situation? If nothing exceeds them, they will notice the small details of a person or a room. There are many benefits to having keen eyes, and taking note of these details can make it easier to get out of a difficult situation.
By assigning points to this attribute, you determine how much damage your headshot has suffered and how weak your character is.
Skills Affected by Perception: Dodge, Engineering, Handguns, Heavy Weapons, Lockpick, and Long Guns
Speaking fast and making it look like the other person has benefited from your conversation is the best way to always end a situation. A superior charm will make your character better to convince another, it might be totally okay, but it will convince them with kindness.
By assigning points to this attribute, you determine your character's faction reputation level and your companion's ability cooldown.
Skills Affected by Charm: Hack, Inspire, Bully, Persuade, Science
Sometimes being subtle and kind isn't for everyone. Some people are more aggressive than others and they need to yell and scream so everyone knows they are there. However, others do well in controlling these emotions and closing them off. Having a decent temperament can save lives.
Putting points in this attribute will determine the quality of your character's natural health regeneration.
Skills Affected by Temperament: 2-Handed Melee, Determination, Technique, Lying, Medicine, and Stealth
These are all the attributes you need to know when you start the game. If you want your character to be good or bad in some way, double check their overall attributes before you jump into the game. Making a specific attribute bad or good could determine how much trouble they have with certain things at the start of the game.
The Outer Worlds will be released on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via the Epic Games Store on October 25.