How to get to the Niwa hotel
After exploring the entrance and the wooded area around the Niwa Hotel, you come across the building itself. A concrete cube full of rust, broken glass and overgrowth, it's a scene straight out of Silent Hill and other top horror games. The parking lot at the front is actually quite large, but you can walk right up to the gate which gives you a feeling that there is more here to be found. And it really is, because you find the front door securely locked and blocked from any entrance. However, there is a way to get in.
To the right is another locked door, with its handle missing. This is the key to the main entrance, so your objective now is to go through the locked door and enter this area. To do this, you need to explore the parking lot. There are some interesting things to find here, but the one that brings you in is on the left facing the building. Go down this way to find a broken down car. Look inside and you can open the hood, triggering a fear of jump. Once you are done with the interior of the car, go outside and look in the newly opened trunk.
Inside you will find a screwdriver, which is the key to entering the Niwa Hotel. Bring it back and use it on the door on the right to enter it. You can explore this area a bit, but the main objective is to push the trash out so you can use it as a step to the broken window above. Do that and you'll find yourself inside Niwa Hotel with the rest of the game in front of you.
And this is how to enter the Niwa hotel, after the locked doors of The Medium. This fast-paced puzzle cements a lot of the game's mechanics in your head, so keep it in mind when you run into issues in the future.