Each The Legend of Zelda game has unique items to find, but Link gets a few no matter what game you play. Link's bow and bombs are two of the most classic items in the Legend of Zelda series, and you'll be using them multiple times in Link's Awakening. While it is possible to do without either element, since you discover them yourself as you play, you will find that it is much easier with them.
How to install Link's Awakening bombs
Bombs are easy to find in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. You can find them in the first village you visit. Go to the tool shop in Mabe village where you can get a bundle of 10 bombs for 10 rupees. This is a good deal for their usefulness. You can easily use these bombs to find a lot more valuable secrets by blowing up false walls and other debris.
If you are really on a tight budget you will locate bombs in dungeons or sometimes bombs dropped by random enemies. In a way, it's probably harder to avoid picking up a bomb during the match than it is to find it.
How to get the Link's Awakening arc
Getting the Link's Awakening arc is a bit trickier. You can buy the bow from the same tool shop in Mabe village where you bought the bombs, but not right away. The bow only appears in stock when you have progressed through the game by completing a few dungeons. Return to the store whenever you have completed a dungeon or whenever you are nearby. They will eventually be in stock.
The real trick to getting the bow is its price. It is worth 980 rupees. The bow is probably well outside your price range when you first see it. You can possibly collect enough money to buy it, either by venturing into dangerous territory to find more valuable rupees, or by breaking enough items to spawn the rupees you need. Given the usefulness of the bow, we strongly recommend that you acquire it as soon as possible.
Comment voler l'arc Link's Awakening
For a kid who washed up on the beach some time ago, raising Rs 980 is no small task. Fortunately, there is another way to get Link's Bow, if you're willing to get your hands dirty.
It is possible to steal any item in the shop, but only the bow is worth it. While you are in the store, the merchant turns to you several times. You can use this to your advantage by circling around him, having him look towards the back of the store, then rushing out the door with the bow before he can turn his head back to you. There is another price to pay for getting the bow this way. On the one hand, your name changes to a thief, and everyone in the game calls you that from now on. Also make sure you buy everything you need from the shop before you steal, because once you do, the shopkeeper becomes hostile and sends you a spell that kills you with one blow, if you come back. One day.