Outright Games in partnership with Atomic Cartoons and the development studio Stage Clear Studios, today launched "The Last Kids On Earth and the Staff of Destiny". This new action-adventure game is inspired by the New York Times bestsellers and the Emmy-winning Netflix series.
The last guys on Earth, and it is now available only in digital version in Italy for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox and Steam.
The Last Kids On Earth and the Staff of Destiny is officially available
In The Last Kids On Earth and the Staff of Destiny, fans of the franchise will be able to experience a new original story, exploring the vast Wakefield town, taking on entire hordes of zombies. As the legendary heroes of the series Jack, Quint, June and Dirk, we will have to search for the missing pieces of the powerful "Staff of Destiny" to defeat Malondre, the queen of monsters.
At launch, it will be possible to have fun with one offline local co-op mode for 1 to 4 players, which will soon be joined by online multiplayer thanks to an update patch.
The new game is based on the Atomic Cartoons animated series The Last Boys on Earth and the Penguin Random House book series of the same name., which has sold more than seven million copies worldwide, as well as dominating some of the most popular bestseller charts, including the New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal.
In addition to bestselling books, Atomic Cartoons teamed up with Brallier on Netflix's Last Kids animated series, which aired for the first time in 2019 with a 66-minute special, which won an Emmy award as “Best Special Class Animation Program”. Following this, two additional seasons arrived in 2020 and a special interactive episode "Happy Apocalypse" on April 6, 2021. To produce the interactive episode, Atomic Cartoons leveraged Netflix's interactive technology, which allows viewers to make certain choices with your own remote control to advance in the story.
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- Brallier, Max (Author)