Not only Apple, but Google, Facebook,… all have canceled their innovation events on their platforms due to the fear of a spread of Covid-19 among the participants.
We have already commented previously on the catastrophic consequences that the failure to carry out these events has on the local economy, which resulted in an injection of money in hotels, restaurants, bars, taxis ... fabric of the city (in Spain we had the cancellation of the MWC , when the Coronavirus was just starting to be a household name).
What makes the Apple event unique - we insist, dedicated to product developers for macOS, iOS, tvOS, iPadOS, WatchOS operating systems… a real starter of interconnected variants through services and technologies.
Traditionally (as happens to other companies) they are events that attract only the professional audience, because they discuss aspects of which users only know the result, the practical application. But back in the days of Steve Jobs, Apple was able to transform the inaugural conference into a global event, bringing together people from all backgrounds, from the programmers of the major studios to the curious who just want to know what the new operating system will have. And, of course, the legion of "fanboys" who take advantage (we take advantage of) every opportunity to celebrate something intangible but which unites us all over the world.

Apple at the moment - in its best style - hasn't said anything about what technology it will use to support the technical sessions, nor about how they will be developed.
Once they are not face to face, there is no capacity limit, so that at certain conferences there may be thousands of programmers who would not normally even consider flying to the event.
If Apple manages to successfully carry out this virtual macro-congress, it will create a precedent on how to celebrate a mass event in which image, voice, documentation, questions and answers, etc.
And other companies will not hesitate - once again - to follow the path that Apple opens.

The presentations
Being in a room with two hundred people explaining how to do something is one thing, but being alone in a room, with a camera in front of you and sharing your screen is something very different.
The protocol of participation, the order of the questions, the duration of the conferences, will each participant connect their own camera to ask "face to face"? Will the conference be recorded so that you can come back at any time?… Everything is a manual that has yet to be written.
The products
We have already verified that, released from the physical presentation, where it is necessary to offer the participants moments to applaud, applaud and feel "fun", Apple has downloaded the bag of available hardware products, announcing MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, iPhone SE, etc. .
Virtually only the new versions of operating systems to be presented are missing, with the adoption of new technologies and the related restyling of the applications we know ... and the announcement of some new ones that we do not yet know.
There will be no longer long walks to leave the stage as the presentation manager enters from the other side. Now a change of plane solves everything in half a second.
How to make sure that a presentation of the new macOS does not translate into a mere reading of the features? What's the point of making a joke when there is no audience to laugh at?
Which brings me to the biggest challenge:
The new keynote

Everyone knows that Tim Cook is not a particularly nice guy, nor is he able to establish the level of complicity with the public that Steve Jobs was able to create in just two sentences. It is true that he has everyone's admiration and respect, because what he is achieving with Apple is truly remarkable.
But how can we avoid making the keynote sound like a speech by the president addressed to the nation?
I am sure that for weeks the communication agency has been working 24 hours a day creating animations, explanatory videos and new ways of narrating the contents that ensure that the set does not lack rhythm or resemble a Dr. Siesta lecture.
I bet they took note of how Fallon, Colbert, etc. evening shows are performed. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a level of "celebrity" appearances off the show to make it more relaxed and fun.
It might not seem like it, but once again Apple has borne the burden of showing the world how to host a world-class professional event live without the dropout rate skyrocketing.
From successes and failures the entire industry - all industries - will learn and develop new alternatives, ushering in a new era in global corporate events.
For years I have written that the decline in the US market share in Apple's accounts and the growing importance of Eastern markets have forced Apple to do a second annual WWDC in the East.
That never materialized, but this new WWDC may open the door to a parallel, albeit asynchronous, version online for the millions of developers around the world who can't afford the trip to San José.
Time will tell.

What do you think of the WWDC 2020 Keynote? We will be pleasantly surprised! fifteen It will be normal. I'll see it and then move on with my life 7 As always… go sh * t for keynote 4 "> 7 minutes of reading