Christmas is almost here, and Jam City has decided to release another event for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. This event is titled Comfy and Cozy, and it revolves around collecting crests. This lasts a little over 3 days, and during that time you can earn red, brown, and blue notebooks as well as a winter-themed outfit for your character. As with most other peak events, you earn peaks by earning stars from unrelated tasks. Each star will grant you 10 crests, and unlike most “regular” crest events in which you earn bonus crests by completing a specific class, in Comfy and Cozy all classes will give you exactly 10 crests per star. However, you can earn bonus badges by helping Dumbledore in the Great Hall.
As some of you may know, this task requires you to earn three stars in three hours, so in terms of requirements it is quite similar to most regular three hour courses. The mini-tasks here include two focus tasks and one tracing task, which is pretty easy, in all fairness. Once you are done, you will earn 39 badges. That's 30% more peaks than any of the regular classes, and if you're aiming to complete this event, Helping Dumbledore will certainly grant you the most peaks per energy spent.
Keep in mind that this is not the only way to earn badges. You can also earn them by making friendly Quidditch matches. Each friend will award you 20 badges, and if you manage to get a perfect match, you will earn 25 badges. It used to be 40, but the developers decided to reduce it, so now it's not as important to score those perfect matches as it used to be. Still, it grants you 25% more peaks if you do, which can make a difference.
Either way, this cozy and cozy event is a good way to earn extra notebooks, as well as a nice winter outfit. Merry Christmas, dear witches and wizards, and see you soon with more exciting adventures for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery.