The level of difficulty of Panache is surprising. Ancestors: the odyssey of man. If you go unprepared, you will have a hard time keeping the children of the clan or yourself alive for very long. It is particularly difficult thanks to some not very intuitive controls. The game prepares players for an unusual new gaming experience to simulate the unknown. It does a good job, but it's also frustrating for new players when reaction events rely on releasing the button instead of pressing a button.
Here are some tips for new players new to the game. A lot of it is based on what I would like to know in my first few hours of playing.
Choose a controller instead of a mouse and keyboard
This is more for the PC gamers out there. At one time, I would have insisted that the controller should be controlled by a mouse and keyboard, but after seeing how precise a mouse is on a controller, especially in a first person shooter game, I ended up trusting a mouse. There are games that just play better on a controller. Ancestors is one of them for several reasons. First of all, it is optimized for controller play. It's just more fluid and intuitive for already confusing controls. Second, the key combinations are very limited. Many keys are "invalid" depending on the game. For example, if you have a mouse with extra buttons, chances are the game will not recognize them as valid input.
Use your senses as much as your intelligence
Intelligence is ideal for moving around, recognizing plants, discovering new places and improving general conditions. The senses, however, help you discover predators or strangers much faster than intelligence alone. If you don't know an animal, your senses are more likely to pick it up than your intelligence.
Quicktime events are based on the release of the button
This is probably the least intuitive part of the game. All parts of the game, from grooming and crafting to fishing to fighting predators, will have a reaction-based timer. When the player hears the tail, he releases the button. If you do it the other way around, as other games have conditioned it, you will fail and, in the worst case, kill your hominid and his offspring. The best case scenario is that your potential partner thinks you are really bad at grooming. Sound plays a huge role in the game, be sure to listen for the signal.
Strengthen your skill tree
This is somehow explained in the game, although not well. Before moving on to the next generation, reinforce the various skills you have learned. It will consolidate your progress and help you improve the next generation.
More children means more progress
Children are the key to progress in the game. Carry them to improve your neural experience and unlock more skills.
On the reinforcement score, more children will give you more reinforcement points. It's huge, but difficult to achieve early on. Each child will give you a reinforcement point, which will allow you to reinforce a skill for the next generation, allowing you to progress.
Women can only have two children
Each woman can only have two children and cannot have any at the stage of her life. Females, especially apart from females, are extremely important for genetic diversity. You will need females for your clan, as this will not allow related hominids to mate. Make sure you find strangers who might be around.
Food increases dopamine
If you go to an area of unfamiliar fear, grab berries, leaves, ponytail, etc. If your dopamine gets too low, have a snack. It will replenish dopamine and save you time if you can't find the light.
Food isn't the only dopamine boost. Some trees allow you to shake them. This will refill your dopamine almost instantly. If you're not alone and not in danger, a short grooming session will fill it, too.
You will break a bone, or several
It's inevitable. The controls are picky and sometimes you throw yourself off a branch at an unexpected angle. Start by taking horsetail leaves or khat to build your bone strength. This will protect you from a fall. You will need to fill in if you use this.
Everything but the bleeding will heal on its own
Prioritize Bleeding Damage If you've been attacked, bleeding, and broken your rib, worry first. The broken bone will heal over time, the bleeding will not.
Ancestors: The Odyssey of Man is set up to be a game of discovery. It can be an enjoyable experience once players understand the frustrating elements of the game. These tips and more will help guide your hominids on the path to evolution.