It's no secret that Bloodhound has become both a flagship character and a fan favorite of Apex Legends. And with that came a lot of cool skins, although some are rarer than others. If we were to narrow down their skins to the rarest of the few, we're left with 10 skins that are harder to find than the rest, and some premium skin that's too good not to make the list.
Event skins
Over the course of the game, Bloodhound has had six event skins. Two standard epic skins, two standard legendary skins, and two premium legendary skins.
Epic skins

The only epic skins to make this list are Master of the Hunt and Cyber Hunt. They were exclusive to the Legendary Hunt and System Override events respectively. Although they only cost 800 Craft Metals each, they were still only available for a very short period of time.
Legendary skins

Legendary event skins are even more difficult to acquire. The two non-premium options are The Centurion from the Iron Crown event and Protector of the Patch from the Fight or Fright Halloween event, which is arguably one of the best Bloodhound skins in the game.
Legendary Premium Skins

During Bloodhound's own event "The Old Ways", there were two premium skins that cost 1 premium currencies each. Young Blood, their outfit from an early age, and Wise Warrior, in which Bloodhound wears an owl-like mask.
In-store exclusives

Then we have the four exclusive Bloodhound skins. For these skins, you must already own the standard legendary skin that each exclusive store is a variant of. Each costs 10500 Legend Tokens, with the exception of Wandering Warrior, which costs only 6500.
- Great Winter (requires Imperial Warrior)
- Raven's Shadow (requires Plague Doctor)
- Wandering Warrior (requires Royal Guard)
- Radiant Stalker (requires Royal Guard)
There are currently no exclusive stores for the legendary skin of The Runekeeper.
The bully

The final skin we are discussing today is The Intimidator. While this is not traditionally "rare", in and of itself, it requires that you spend real money. This skin is one of the rewards for purchasing the “Bloodhound Edition” or “Lifeline and Bloodhound Double Pack” DLC pack. Also, probably their toughest skin of all.
Mention honorable au skin rare exclusif Greatness Awaits Playstation 4.