Teamfight Tactics will be exiting beta with patch 9.22, and big changes will be made to the game. The old Origins system is gone, replaced by parts. They work in much the same way as Origins, providing a buff that becomes more powerful the more champions with this element are on your team. Read on to discover the specifics of each item and the benefits it gives you.
The items below are present in alphabetical order, with the item name, the champions that go into that item, and the buff if all items are listed.
Teamfight Tactics - Elements Plot Sheet
Skarner, Taric, Ashe
- Deploying multiple Crystal Champions grants them a maximum damage limit that can be taken from an attack or ability strike.
Renekton, Sivir, Azir, Khazix
- Deploying multiple Desert Champions reduces the opposing team's armor. The reduction increases if more Desert Champions are deployed.
Ornn, Volibear, Zed
- Deploying multiple Electric Champions allows them to damage adjacent enemies when they strike critically or critically.
Warwick, Volibear, Braum, Ezreal, Olaf
- Deploying multiple Glacial Champions gives their attacks a chance to stun their target, increasing Glaciers even more.
Zyras Diana Varus Qiyana, Kindred, Annie, Marques
- Deploying multiple Inferno champions causes their skills to temporarily ignite the ground beneath their targets, dealing damage to enemies standing under fire. Damage increases with more Inferno champions.
Nasus, Vayne, Jax, Aatrox, Soraka, Yorick
- Deploying multiple Light Champions allows them, upon death, to heal other Light Champions for a percentage of their maximum health and grant them attack speed remaining for the rest of the game (cumulative with the number of deaths of Champions Light). Healing and attack speed increases with more Light champions.
Rek'Sai, Nocturne
- Deploying multiple Steel Champions briefly protects them from damage when they drop below 50% health.
Taliyah, Qiyana, Malphite
- Deploying multiple Mountain Champions grants a massive shield to a random ally at the start of combat.
Vladimir, Thresh, Syndra, Qiyana, Nautilus, Nami
- Deploying multiple Ocean Champions periodically grants their allies mana. The amount increases with more champions of the ocean.
Kog'Maw, Dr. Mundo, Twitch, Singed
- Deploying multiple anti-poison champions results in their damaging attacks and abilities to increase the mana costs of their targets' abilities.
Malzahar, Kindred, Veigar, Sion, Master Yi
- Deploying multiple Shadow Champions allows them to deal greater damage during the first few seconds of combat, as well as for a few seconds after taking a ground shot. Deploy more Shadow Champions causes any of them to deal with greater damage any of them score a takedown.
Yasuo, Qiyana, Janna
- Deploying both Wind Champions gives your team a chance to dodge.
Maokai, Ivern, Neeko, LeBlanc
- Deploying multiple Woodland Champions causes one of them to randomly create a clone of themselves (including items) at the start of combat.