Teamfight Tactics is out of beta, and a host of changes have taken place. The origins have disappeared, replaced by elements. Many of the champions you may have used have been replaced with new warriors, eager for battle that resolves automatically. In this guide, we are going to go over all the champions in the game, their abilities and their level. Note that, in this case, level means cost involved, not their overall effectiveness or value to strategy.
The list is broken down into levels, which equates to how much gold it takes to get a champion and when they start appearing in the game. Each entry displays the champion's name, followed by their item, class, and abilities.
Teamfight Tactics - All Champions and Abilities
1 level
- Hell
- Assassin
- Flame cascade: Diana protects herself for a few seconds and creates three orbs of flame surrounding her. Orbs explode when they come in contact with an enemy and deal damage to them.
- Woodland
- Druid
- Triggerseed: Ivern protects the less healthy ally for a few seconds.
- Poison
- Predator
- Living Artillery: Kog'Maw launches an acid that damages a random enemy.
- Woodland
- Druid
- Sap Magic (passive): When an enemy spell damages Maokai, his next attack heals him.
- Light
- director
- Fury of the Dawn: Nasus temporarily becomes angry, gains bonus health, and deals damage to adjacent enemies every second for its duration.
- Electric
- director
- Lightning Breath: Ornn blows lightning into a cone in front of him, dealing damage to enemies and increasing their chance to be critically hit for the next few seconds.
- desert
- Berserker
- Cull the Meek: Renekton deals damage to adjacent enemies and heals for each enemy hit.
- Mountain
- stomach
- Seismic Shove: Taliyah erects the ground beneath a random enemy, slamming it towards her if she is at range, or out if she is melee.
- Light
- Cleaning
- Silver Locks (Passive): Vayne passively deals bonus damage every third attack, based on the enemy's maximum health.
- Ocean
- stomach
- Drain: Vladimir deals damage to a targeted enemy and heals the damage he has suffered.
- Glacial
- Predator
- Infinite Constraint: Warwick launches himself at the enemy with the lowest health level, and stuns and injures them Applies the effects of strike.
- Hell
- Summoner
- Creepy Growth: Zyra generates two non-targetable flame spitters on random hexes at the edge of the arena, which attack the nearest enemy.
2 level
- Glacial
- director
- Unbreakable: Braum raises his shield towards the farthest enemy, reducing damage dealt from that direction and blocking projectiles.
- Light
- Berserker
- Counter-Strike: Jax gains a 100% dodge chance for a few seconds, then stuns and briefly damages adjacent enemies.
The White
- Woodland
- Assassin, Mage
- Ethereal Chain: Leblanc sends a chain towards the nearest enemy, stunning and damaging them after a delay.
- Ombre
- Summoner
- Shadow Swarm: Malzahar creates a portal that generates minions. No more stars, no more minions.
- Woodland
- Druid
- Blooming Burst: Neeko throws a seed at a random enemy that explodes three times in an increasingly large radius.
- Steel
- Predator
- Furious Bite: Rek'Sai bites his target, dealing true damage.
- Glass
- Predator
- Crystalline Exoskeleton: Skarner protects himself for a few seconds and gains additional attack speed while the shield holds.
- Ocean
- stomach
- Hydro Sphere: Syndra creates a Hydro Sphere on a target location that damages enemies.
- Ocean
- director
- High Seas Passage: Thresh throws his lantern at the best health ally, protecting him and nearby allies for a few seconds.
- Hell
- Cleaning
- Piercing Arrow: Varus charges and fires an arrow that deals damage to all enemies in line.
- Electric, Glacial
- Berserker
- Thunder Bite: Volibear bites its target and inflicts damage on it. Thunder Bite instantly kills enemies with minimal health and fully restores Volibear's mana.
- Wind
- Blade Master
- Last Breath: Yasuo instantly spawns next to the enemy with the most items, attacking them multiple times in quick succession and knocking them out for the duration.
3 level
- Light
- Blade Master
- Blade of Arclight: Aatrox places his sword in a circle in front of him, dealing damage to enemies struck.
- desert
- Summoner
- Stand Up: Azir summons an Unbreakable Sand Soldier to a random enemy who attacks with every Azir attack.
Dr. World
- Poison
- Berserker
- Adrenaline: Dr. Mundo creates a poisonous cloud around him that damages adjacent enemies and heals himself from damage he has taken for several seconds.
- Glacial
- Cleaning
- Ice Shot: Ezreal fires a shard of ice towards the enemy with the lowest health level, damaging the first enemy hit and applying strike effects.
- Shadow, hell
- Cleaning
- Wolf Frenzy: Lamb assaults away from his target while Wolf bites it, dealing damage.
- Ocean
- director
- Deep Charge: Nautilus sends a deep charge in search of the farthest enemy champion, knocking him out and stunning him for a long time.
- Steel
- Assassin
- Steel Blades (Passive): Every three hits, Nocturne's next attack is empowered, dealing damage to all adjacent enemies and healing him for some of the damage he has taken.
- Hell or ocean or mountain or wind
- Assassin
- Edge of Ixtal: Qiyana rushes to the side of her target and blows them a breeze of wind that damages and stuns enemies passed through.
- Ombre
- Berserker
- Decimating Smash: Sion destroys an area in front of him after a certain delay, knocking down and damaging enemies.
- desert
- Blade Master
- Ricochet: Sivir's attacks reverberate temporarily to nearby units.
- Light
- Mystique
- Equinox: Soraka temporarily calms an area around a random enemy, dealing damage to them and preventing them from gaining mana inside.
- Ombre
- stomach
- Primordial Burst: Veigar blasts an enemy with magical energy and deals damage to them. Instantly kill enemies at lower star levels than Veigar.
4 level
- Hell
- Summoner
- Tibbers !: Annie calls Tibbers in a nearby hex. Tibbers attacks nearby enemies while he is active.
- Glass
- Cleaning
- Ranger's Focus: For the next few seconds, Ashe gains attack speed and her attacks launch a multitude of arrows that deal bonus damage.
- Hell
- stomach
- Pyroclasm: The mark launches a fireball that bounces and deals damage to enemies.
- Wind
- Mystique
- Monsoon: Janna knocks enemies back into a large area and channels for a few seconds, continuously healing nearby allies.
- desert
- Assassin
- Arid Assault: Kha'Zix briefly becomes stealthy, becomes untargetable, and causes the next attack of his next attack.
- Mountain
- director
- Unstoppable Force: Malphite throws himself at a random enemy, dealing damage and knocking down enemies close to his arrival.
- Glacial
- Berserker
- Berserker Rage: For the remainder of the fight, Olaf gains a large amount of Attack Speed and Lash for a few seconds and becomes immune to crowd control.
- Poison
- Cleaning
- Pulverize and Pray: Twitch temporarily gains infinite range, and his attacks transform into piercing bolts that pierce their targets all the way to the end of the board, dealing damage to any enemies they pass through.
- Light
- Summoner
- Shepherd of Souls: Yorick blesses several of his less well-off allies, reviving them as the Minion of Light after they die. More stars, more targets.
5 level
Master Yi
- Shadow, mystic
- Blade Master
- Meditate: Master Yi becomes untargetable and heals himself significantly within seconds. After channeling, his attacks temporarily deal with additional magic damage on impact.
- Ocean
- Mystique
- Tidal Wave: Nami sends a massive wave to a random enemy, dealing damage and knocking out enemies they pass through and granting allies bonus magic damage on impact.
- Poison
- Alchemist
- Poison Trail (Passive): Singed passively leaves a cloud of poison behind him that damages enemies within.
- Glass
- director
- Cosmic Radiance: After a delay, Taric and all of his nearby allies become invulnerable for a few seconds.
- Electric
- Summoner, Assassin
- Living Lightning: Zed creates an identical clone behind his current target and copies his items as well. This clone can also launch Living Lightning.
7 level
- Electric OR Inferno OR Ice OR Crystal OR Wind OR Woods OR Steel OR Ocean OR Shade OR Light
- There are ten copies of Lux in each game, one of each of the above.
- Once you purchase a Lux, the other Lux will become that item when you see them in your store.
- Avatar
- Final spark: Lux unleashes a giant laser that deals massive damage to enemies hit and restores mana based on enemies hit.