Surely many of you have already heard of Surgeon Simulator 2013, title originally created to participate in the Global Game Jam 2013 and which was subsequently hugely successful on the Youtube.
Surgeon thanks to its state property had ended up attracting the attention of many Y'soutuber entertainers, thus becoming an icon of gaming pop. 7 years after its publication, Bossa studios surprised everyone by introducing ai Games Awards 2019, Surgeon Simulator 2.
The trailer for the title showed a game system that was always very zany but at the same time much more refined and in-depth. But will it really be like this in the end? find out with us through our review!
Surgery and puzzle game a strange combination
Surgeon Simuletor 2 unlike his predecessor, who based everything on extreme state property, he preferred a gameplay that mixes the classic patient operation phase (BOB) to a puzzle-solving exploration.
Once the game has started, the players will be transported to the entrance of the medical office and through the use of the protagonist's hand you will have to collect the objects that will help you to reach the operating room for the study.
For example in the starting level players will have to collect some cards scattered around the office so as to be able to open the doors leading to the operating room. Once recovered, simply place them near the identifier to open the door.
However in some cases it will be necessary to compose a plane with the objects present around it so as to be able to place the card and then continue in the operating room.
BOB our patient
Once you reach the operating room it will be time to operate on your patient. Through a monitor you will see its status as the amount of blood they have, the dose of morphine you have injected and the organs you need to treat / replace.
You can remove both body parts and a bare hands and through the use of special tools as for example the saw or scalpel, unlike the raw hands removing the limbs with these tools the BOB it will lose less blood thus avoiding you having to replenish it with various vials of blood or morphine.
Finally, all that remains is to bring the diseased limb inside a machine so as to receive the healthy limb / organ to be attached to your patient. Once the operation is completed you will receive a grade from A to S that will make you get various glamours to apply to your avatar.
Create your levels
Surgeon Simuletor 2 it will also allow you to create your own levels. By selecting the game editor you will be transported to an empty room that you can completely customize through a lot of objects that you will get through the catalog.
Once you have placed the item you can customize it by choosing its color, function, etc.. You can do the same thing with BOB deciding which operation to make the players who visit your level go through.
Technical department
On a technical level, unfortunately, the title presents various problems, in fact the hand control system is now much more precise and comfortable, the game features ctoo long and repeated uploads that risk boring the players heavily. Once the game starts it will take 2 minutes to take you to the main menu, after which it will take 5/10 minutes to load the lobby and finally 1 minute to enter the selected level.
If you add up all the waiting times, a player will have to wait at least 8 minutes before being able to actually play and this is really unacceptable, especially in 2020 and on PCs that can take advantage of the speed of SSDs.
Not counting the possibilities game crashes, caused by instability thus increasing the player's frustration. Speaking of the sound sector there is nothing to say, the title proposes the same melodies of its predecessor by adding just a few songs.
Surgeon Simulator 2 looks like a good game but it gets ditched huge random loads and crashes. The gameplay of the title is a lot of fun and much more refined than its predecessor.
Consequently, we hope that the loading problem will be fixed soon so that the title can be playable by many players.