Star Wars: Squadrons will be released on October 2 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The game will pit teams of five players against each other in exciting dog fights set in the Star Wars universe.
The game will cost $ 39,99 across all platforms and will be available to players with EA Access for $ 34,99.
How to pre-order
Check the pre-order page on the official website, or:
Pre-order on Origine, by Vapeur, or from the Epic Games Store.
Xbox One
Pre-order through the Microsoft Game Store.
Playstation 4
Pre-order available soon at PlayStation Store.
What are the pre-order bonuses?

Pre-ordering any version of the game will give you two cosmetic packs for the game.
- New Republic Pack
- New Republic flight suit
- New Republic Defense Fleet (one skin for each ship - 4 total)
- New Republic Starfighter Emblem
- Pack Empire
- Academy Ace flight suit
- Academy Ace Series (One skin for each ship - 4 total)
- Imperial Starfighter Emblem
Star Wars: Squadrons will offer full VR support, which is good news for anyone with a VR headset. According to the game's official website, PSVR or Oculus are the recommended VR headsets to use. The game also offers HOTAS controller, joystick and support.