A Laugh a Minute(20): Complete Mission 4 in trouble Hard
Army Issue (15): Kill 5 enemies with an M16
Blue Leg (50): Complete the game in easy difficulty
BOHICA (20): Complete Mission 5 in difficulty Hard
Bok-Bok (15): Beat an Enemy
Bookoo Hostiles (20): Complete Mission 10 in trouble Hard
Boom Baby! (15): Kill 3 enemies with one grenade or rocket
Bush Master (20): Complete Mission 7 in trouble Hard
Caca Dau (15): Get the score decapitating head shot
Caca Dau x 15 (15): Get a score of 15 decapitating head shots
Can't Quit You (15): Complete the game twice
Captured (10): Complete Mission 7 in difficulty Normal
Charlie Don't Surf (150): Complete the game in difficulty Normal
Cook-Off (15): Kill 15 enemies with one belt of a non-mounted Heavy Machine Gun
Cut a Chogie (20): Complete Mission 6 in trouble Hard
Cutting a path (15): Kill 15 enemies with your machete
Deep Serious (20): Complete Mission 2 in difficulty Hard
Dinky Dau (20): Complete Mission 3 in trouble Hard
Evac (10): Complete Mission 9 in difficulty Normal
Field of Fire (15): Kill 5 enemies with AK47
Fire for Effect (15): Find all weapons
Free Fire Zone (15): Kill 150 enemies
FUBAR (20): Complete Mission 1 in difficulty Hard
Gun Slinger (15): Complete a level firing only a pistol
Hard Boiled (15): Kill 3 enemies with a pistol
Host (10): Complete Mission 1 in difficulty Normal
Hunted (10): Complete Mission 6 in difficulty Normal
Infection (10): Complete Mission 3 in difficulty Normal
Lots of Bok-Bok (15): Beat 15 enemies
Natural Resistance (35): Complete the game without being killed by an infected person.
Payback (10): Complete Mission 8 in difficulty Normal
Quarantine (10): Complete Mission 2 in difficulty Normal
Refuge (10): Complete Mission 4 in difficulty Normal
Shell Shocked (200): Complete the game in difficulty Hard
SNAFU (15): Dismember 50 enemies
Snoop 'n' Poop (20): Complete Mission 8 in difficulty Hard
Take it Like a Man (40): Complete a level without dying
Trip (10): Complete Mission 5 in difficulty Normal
Whiteknight (10): Complete Mission 10 in difficulty Normal
Zone and Sweep (20): Complete Mission 9 in difficulty Hard