Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Trophies Guide

Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Trophies Guide

Lara Croft is back in better shape than ever! Shadow of the Tomb Raider Since the first trailers published, has made glimpse great potential, which have all been confirmed by the industry press, which has rewarded the game of Square Enix with very high marks. Like any self-respecting action adventure, this new adventure of the world's most famous archaeologist will be full of content, which will take you to explore every corner of the game map. If you're a "platinum hunter" and you're already racking your brain over how to get all the trophies in the game, we recommend you follow our guide, which will show you how to get every single achievement.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider some preliminary advice

Let's start by saying that the platinum of Lara Croft's latest adventure will not be an impossible feat at all, but there are some conditions that need to be taken into account. The game has a considerable amount of missing trophies, including all those related to combat; fortunately, the achievements related to collectables will be achievable even after completing the main plot, as free roaming will be available, which will allow you to roam freely around the game map. Thanks to some items, as well as by pressing the R3 button, you will be able to easily locate all the collectible items in the vicinity and beyond on the map.

However, we strongly advise against aiming for platinum in a single run. The reason is soon explained: there is a trophy in the game that will ask you to complete the main quest at the highest difficulty. If you select this last level of difficulty, however, the more than 400 collectible items present in Shadow of the Tomb Raider it will no longer appear on the game map, greatly lengthening the completion time for all the trophies related to them. For this reason, we recommend that you platinum the game in two runs: the first one with "Normal" difficulty (if not "simple"), where you will take all the missing and collectible trophies, and a second one where you select the highest level of difficulty.

Remember that, in this second run, you won't have any check points available (you can save only in the camps, but it will cost you a lot of resources), you won't have any marker for the collectables and no help to solve puzzles.

Also, try to get the combat-related trophies before you complete the main plot of the game. The reason is simple: after reaching the end credits of Lara Croft's adventure, there will be practically no more enemies, and it will be practically impossible to get the trophies in question. Based on what has now been said, focus on these objectives before you go too far in the game, perhaps reloading the saves in the most favorable and full of opponents, in order to make the most classic of farming.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Trophies Guide


Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Trophies Guide


Complete a collection of artifacts

This trophy will be linked to the main plot of the game, so it will be almost impossible to miss it. You will get this type of relics, called artifacts, simply by progressing. You will unlock the trophy in question in the main mission "Way of the Cross", in the region called Mission of San Juan, practically at the end of the story of Shadow of the Tomb Raider .

Survival instinct

Defeat the imperial jaguar...

This trophy is directly related to the plot of the game, so it will be virtually impossible to miss it.

Perfect Center

Hit 20 enemies in the head using the bow


The bow is one of the weapons with which you will begin your adventure in Shadow of the Tomb Raider , and will be an incredibly good way to take out your opponents without them noticing your presence. As the description suggests, you'll have to kill as many as 20 enemy soldiers by making a blow to the head with arrows: nothing particularly difficult. Again, we suggest, once you find a place particularly full of enemies, kill them all except one (so the game does not save your progress automatically) and load the last check point. In this way you can make the kills you need and unlock the trophy in question without too much effort.

First blood

Perform a sneak kill from a mud-covered wall.


The ideal place to get this trophy will be during the "Path of the Living" mission, in the Kuwaq Yaku area, where you will have to sneak into the Porvenir camp. Immediately after reaching Kuwaq Yaku, and just before the second encounter with the enemies, you'll find a puddle of mud; as soon as you approach it, the game will suggest, by pressing the SQUARE button, to cover our Lara with mud. Immediately after doing this, climb over the barrels and you will find yourself in an area with enemies and a wall of mud (it will be recognizable by the branches that come out of it). In this case, all you have to do is camouflage our protagonist with the wall in question and wait for one of the soldiers mentioned above to approach you.

At this point, all you have to do is press the TRIANGLE button to make the kill and unlock the trophy. Just remember that you can only disguise yourself with the wall in question when you have Lara covered in mud.

Unwelcome guests

Get rid of the looters outside Kuwaq Yaku

To get the trophy in question you'll have to face and complete one of the very first side quests you'll encounter, "Deal with the Pillagers", in the Kuwaq Yaku area. The mission will be mentioned by an NPC with whom you'll talk to at the bar and, going to the indicated place, you'll notice a man being pushed down a flight of stairs: talk to him and the mission will begin. The character in question will reveal that a group of looters has practically forced a large number of people to work for them. The next two objectives of the mission are simple: first, go up the stairs and talk to Omar, and then return to the bar to talk to Marco.

As soon as you meet him, Marco will tell you that, because of his injuries, the looters forced his son to work in his place. To free his son, therefore, Marco will have to find someone to replace him, and Lara, of course, will volunteer on her way to the edge of the city, where the excavation site is located. Once there, she will meet Pablo, Marco's son, who seems to be really exhausted because of the workload he has to endure. At this point, our heroine will promise Pablo to "take care of the bad guys", continuing to proceed towards the excavations.

In the area in question you will find several looters searching the camp. You'll be able to take out most of them with stealth killings, avoiding them noticing your presence. Immediately after doing this, you'll have access to a second area, where you'll find other enemies, which you can get rid of both stealthily and with guns drawn, given their small number. Once you've done this, go back to Pablo, who will reward you with a River Hawk, the gun his father used when he was young. After that, the trophy will be yours.

I believe Hakan fly

Save Hakan from the sect

This trophy is directly related to the secondary mission "Save Hakan", in which you will come across in the course of the game's plot, so you can not miss it. The side quest will be assigned to you by Etzli, the little girl you'll find crying in the town of Paititi, after saving the Queen. Talk to her and activate the mission. As soon as you reach the location indicated on the map, a cutscene will start automatically. As soon as it is finished, talk to Kayara about what happened. She will agree to help you, and suggest that you also ask other rebels in the market area to support your cause.

You'll understand which people you'll have to talk to simply by using your Survival Instinct, which can be activated by pressing the R3 button. First, you will have to talk to the man you will meet on the right of the stairs, the one in front of you who is praying, so to speak. Lara will ask him to stop praying and he will, in full answer, blow a horn. Then, talk to the guy right next to Kayara (the one you will find on the pedestal). Ask him to start playing music to distract the guards. Once this is done, talk to both rebels on the right and left side of the stairs, who will help you open the door.

Once inside, another filmed scene will be activated and you will be trapped inside the room, although you will immediately notice that you can use an opening in the left corner of the room as an escape route. At this point, you'll have to follow the only available way to escape from the room and complete the mission. As soon as you get outside, Hakan will hand you a new knife, which is one of the upgrades required to get the "What a Knife! “. After receiving the knife and the above mentioned trophy, go up the stairs and enjoy the cutscene that will be activated automatically. Hakan and Kayara are a family again, and you will get the trophy in question.

Body and soul

Retrieve Manko's necklace

To get the trophy in question, you'll need to complete two side quests, "Retrieve the King's Horn" and "Retrieve the Amulet of the Savior", both in Paititi (the hidden city).


Factory special ammunition 50 times

To be able to make special ammunition, all you need to do is press the R1 button and access the menu of each weapon with which you have already unlocked that ammunition. The weapon with which it will be easier to unlock the trophy in question is the bow, since making the flaming arrows won't be difficult at all. Each weapon has its own special ammunition, but in some cases you'll need to acquire certain skills in order to make them. For example, the "Snake's Shimmer" skill will give you access to new bullets for the shotgun.

As we pointed out earlier, however, the flaming arrows are definitely the best option to choose to unlock the trophy. Remember that, in case you have a full inventory, you can always shoot as many arrows as you want to free space and make new ones. Don't worry so much about resources: the surrounding environment is full of available materials just waiting to be collected by you. If you want to shorten your time, you can also buy these resources from merchants.

Point of interest

Discover 5 places of interest thanks to civilians

All you have to do to get this trophy is... talk to everyone in sight! In the three cities you will visit, Kuwaq Yaku, Paititi (the hidden city) and Mission of San Juan, you will see citizens with an icon of dialogue above their heads. If you don't notice them, just press the R3 button to highlight them (they'll be there to make sure you get the trophy, just talk to everyone and you're done.


Shoot a turkey using a flare flare.

Here we come to one of the most bizarre trophies in Shadow of the Tomb Raider . Let's start by saying that, in order to succeed in the feat in question, you will first need to purchase the "Snake Shine" skill (area skill of Mission San Juan, more precisely in the Base Camp of "Ruined Tower": in this area you will find as many as four turkeys. It may take a while before you see them appear, but be aware that you'll often find them in the bushes, and they'll start running away as soon as they notice your presence. When you have a turkey in your sights, shoot a flare at it and you get the trophy.

Better Equipment

Find 3 pieces of equipment

To get this trophy, all you have to do is go to any merchant and buy three pieces of equipment. To speed things up, we suggest you go to the merchant you will find in Kuwaq Yaku and, once there, buy the following items: Pistol Sight (1800 gold coins), Pistol Suppressor (1400 gold coins), Pistol Ammo Pouch (1500 gold coins). In this way, the expense you will have to pay will also be contained.

The Way of the Stars

Decipher the Way of the Stars

This trophy is directly related to the plot of the game, so it will be virtually impossible to miss it.

Día de Muertos

Remove the dagger from the Temple of the Moon

This trophy is directly related to the plot of the game, so it will be virtually impossible to miss it.


Survive the flood

This trophy is directly related to the game's storyline, so it will be almost impossible to miss it.

The Secret City

Find Paititi

This trophy is directly related to the plot of the game, so it will be virtually impossible to miss it.

The fire of life

Enter the secret chamber of the Temple of Life

This trophy is directly related to the plot of the game, so it will be almost impossible to miss it.

Legendary hunter

Hunt 5 rare animals

To get this trophy, you'll have to find, kill and collect resources from the carcasses of at least five rare animals. But, at this point, the question arises: how do you distinguish a rare animal from any other animal in the game? Let's start by saying that rare animals are beasts that are aesthetically different from the other members of their breed, so it will be pretty easy to understand when you'll have found one. Using the Survival Instinct, however, these animals will appear, so if you want to have an easier life, you'd better unlock "Eagle's Grasp", in the "Seeker" section of the Skill Tree, marked by the reason why, always face them with due care.

Below, we list some areas where you are more likely to encounter a rare animal:

  • Peruvian Jungle - "Jaguar's Lair" Base Camp: A jaguar may appear in the designated area;
  • San Juan Mission - Base Camp "Mission Gate": in a cave southwest of the entrance to the San Juan area you will come across a pack of wolves. With a little luck, a Black Wolf may appear among them;
  • The Hidden City - Base Camp "Abandoned Village": In the area northwest of the Abandoned Village you will find a cave that you can swim to. Again, you may come across a Black Wolf; however, the chances of this encounter are less than if you were to meet him in the San Juan area;
  • Also, in the southeast corner of the San Juan Mission area, there will be an area (marked on the map) where you will come across an Imperial Jaguar. However, you should know that this will only happen once.

To get the trophy, then, all you have to do is use the quick travel function between the areas we have indicated, so that you will come across as many rare animals as possible.

The world below

Get out of the cenote alive

This trophy is directly linked to the game's storyline, so it will be almost impossible to miss it.

Family ties

Release Unuratu from prison

This trophy is directly related to the plot of the game, so it will be virtually impossible to miss it.

Heart of the Snake

Find the San Juan Mission

This trophy is directly related to the plot of the game, so it will be virtually impossible to miss it.

The Chosen One

Find Ix Chel's Silver Casket

This trophy is directly related to the plot of the game, so it will be virtually impossible to miss it.

Starting from the start

Back to Paititi

This trophy is directly related to the plot of the game, so it will be virtually impossible to miss it.

The Queen of the Damned

Make an unlikely alliance

This trophy is directly related to the plot of the game, so it will be almost impossible to miss it.

What an adventure!

Complete the main story

This trophy is directly related to the plot of the game, so it will be virtually impossible to miss it. Just complete the story Shadow of the Tomb Raider at any level of difficulty.

Smart and ingenious

Complete " Shadow of the Tomb Raider " at difficulty level Smart and ingenious

To obtain this trophy we refer you to the description of "Mortal Obsession", which will require you to complete the game at the highest level of difficulty. When you succeed, you will automatically unlock all the trophies related to the lower difficulty levels.

Rite of passage

Complete " Shadow of the Tomb Raider " at difficulty level Rite of passage

To obtain this trophy we refer you to the description of "Mortal Obsession", which will require you to complete the game at the highest level of difficulty. The moment you succeed, you will automatically unlock all the trophies related to the lower difficulty levels.

All one with the jungle

Complete " Shadow of the Tomb Raider " at difficulty level All one with the jungle

To obtain this trophy we refer you to the description of "Mortal Obsession", which will require you to complete the game at the highest level of difficulty. When you succeed, you will automatically unlock all the trophies related to the lower difficulty levels.

Deadly obsession

Complete " Shadow of the Tomb Raider " at difficulty level Deadly obsession

As you've surely learned, Shadow of the Tomb Raider it has four different levels of difficulty, each with its own trophy dowry:

  • Smart and ingenious: identifiable with a difficulty level "Easy", if you choose it you will have tons of ammunition and resources, all collectible items will be marked by special markers on the game map, you will be shown the way you have to follow and you will be given many clues to solve the various puzzles you will come across;
  • Rite of passage: identifiable with a difficulty level "Medium", if you choose it you will have less ammunition available, enemies will have a bar of life in the norm, the paths you will have to follow will be indicated in a more approximate way and you will find only very general clues for solving puzzles;
  • All one with the jungle: identifiable with a difficulty level "Difficult", if you choose it know that your health will not regenerate automatically, that enemies will have more health, inflict more damage and find our Lara more easily, that you will not be able to identify collectible items or enemies present with the R3 button and that you will not receive any kind of help in solving puzzles;
  • Deadly Obsession: We finally reached the highest level of difficulty present in Shadow of the Tomb Raider . When you opt for "Mortal Obsession", know that, in addition to all the malus listed above, you will not benefit from any check points. You will only be able to save your progress in the various Base Camps, but this will cost you resources, so you will not always be able to do so;

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, we strongly recommend that you leave this trophy for last, and start the game with a run at the simplest difficulty level. The reason is soon said: at the lowest difficulty level you can easily get all the trophies related to collectables and solve puzzles easily, so you can overcome them even in the second run. The main difficulties of "Mortal Obsession" are related to the phases in which you will have to climb the rock walls without any kind of help and to the resolution of the various puzzles, which could give you some headaches. As for the fights, the difficulty should not vary much, except for the final boss fight.

Priceless Treasures

Harvest 40 gold ores

As you may have easily understood, even in gold is the most precious resource you can count on Shadow of the Tomb Raider . Having a good stock of this mineral with you will be practically indispensable, especially when you need to buy weapons, resources or items from any merchant present in the game, and believe us, you'll surely need it. There are various ways to get your hands on the gold ores, but the safest way is the Crypts, each of which will reward you with an amount of nine to twelve gold pieces, all for a total of nine graves to explore and raid.

Just according to what is now written, in case you are short of money, do not hesitate to go to the Crypts in question, also because, in case you want to complete 100% of the game, you will have to go there in any case.

What a knife!

Make the knife as powerful as possible.


(As we learned through several reports, patch 1.03 caused a glitch to the trophy in question. However, despite these problems, the trophy in question is still obtainable, but there is only one simple condition to be met. Before you embark on the "Save Hakan" mission, you'll need to buy the other upgrade for your knife from the merchant in Paititi. If you don't do what is now written, the trophy will remain blocked and you won't be able to get it).

The knife, one of the first weapons our Lara Croft can count on, has two upgrades. The first of them will be available from a merchant, while the second we will get it after completing the side quest "Save Hakan". It's vital that you follow this precise order, as otherwise the trophy will be stuck.

If you are looking for a solution for the secondary mission in question, we refer you to the description of the "I Believe Hakan Fly" trophy.


Collect 20 pets

Let's start to clarify a concept: if you are wondering what the trophy with the word "little animals" refers to, know that what you have to collect are more simply ... insects! First of all, you'll need to purchase the "Owl Meal" skill (located in the "Seeker" branch of the Tree of Skills, inside the Tombs and Crypts. You can always resort to the Survival Instinct to better locate them: in this way, in fact, the animals in question will be highlighted, and collecting them will be a real piece of cake. As soon as you've located an insect, come closer and press the SQUARE button (you won't need to shoot, in this case).

The best places to collect insects are: the Tomb of the Challenge in Kuwaq Yaku (inside of which you will find 10 spiders), the two Tombs of the Challenge in the Peruvian Jungle (in this case you will find at least 3 spiders in each of them), in the area of the Peruvian Jungle near the Base Camp "Ruins in the Jungle" (1 beetle), in the Base Camp "Plane Wreckage" (2 beetles), and finally in Kuwaq Yaku, near the Base Camp "Ruins in the Jungle" (you will find 1 beetle in the Jungle). These areas should provide you with enough insects to unlock the trophy. In case they are not enough, you can always find more inside the Tombs. In these phases, we recommend that you always play at the "Easy" or "Normal" difficulty level, so that you can make use of the Survival Instinct. In this way, in fact, the insects will skill (from the cost of 2 Skill Points) that can be purchased in the various camps that you will find during your adventure. It will be located in the "green" part of the Skill Tree and will require, as a necessary condition for its unlocking, the purchase of the "Snake Attack" skill (at the low price of 1 Skill Point). To get the trophy in question, all you have to do is locate a pair of enemies that are next to each other. At this point, press the TRIANGLE button repeatedly, and our Lara will kill them both. It's not important not to get caught by the other enemies, but it's vital that by the time you perform this technique, you have not already been discovered. Repeat this procedure three times, perhaps even reloading certain checkpoints and rescue points, and you're done.

Like a shadow

Kill 25 enemies stealthily


As Lara Croft's most die-hard fans will surely know, in this new "incarnation" of hers, stealth killings are the main method to take out your enemies. To carry out a stealth kill, all you have to do is get behind any opponent's back and press the TRIANGLE button to take him out. It is good to remember, in this regard, that the enemies in question can also be distracted and / or lured into a trap in order to kill them in this way: you just need to use a stone, an arrow, a shot or, even better, a smoke bomb, which will allow you to easily get rid of even large groups of enemies in a few moments.

Remember that, in this regard, the Snake Fury skill will be of great help to you, as it will allow you to kill 2 enemies at a time. Kill 25 enemies in this way, maybe reload certain checkpoints or rescue points particularly advantageous, and the game will be done.


Repair and wear a matching suit

The clothes can be acquired by completing the Crypts in the game, earned as a reward for the completion of side quests, or even bought by certain merchants. If you want to complete 100% Shadow of the Tomb Raider , you will find yourself unlocking different sets of clothes. A coordinated set will be recognized by the name of the top and bottom of the dress, which will contain the same word inside them, and will also have a very similar look.

For example, the Evening Star Cloak and the Evening Star Boots will be the first items of this kind you can get by completing the two Crypts in the Peruvian Jungle in the very first few bars of the game. Once found, you'll have to restore these pieces of clothing. You can repair them at any Base Camp, paying a price in resources that, fortunately, will be easily found in the game world.

Rudimentary Arsenal

Maximize a weapon

In order to obtain this trophy, you must first of all possess the "Spirit of Raposa" skill, which will be practically indispensable for you to develop the weapons in your possession to the maximum. Once this is done, then, all you have to do is purchase all the upgrades available for a single weapon at the various Base Camps. To unlock the trophy in question, we strongly recommend that you focus on the curved arch, as this weapon has only eight upgrades (many less than any firearm), and as it is one of the most useful weapons in the game.

You will need a lot of resources to be able to upgrade a single weapon, but you will find enough of them during your explorations. However, the advice we have to give you is to focus on a single weapon, so as not to waste valuable materials.

Up to the challenge

Complete 5 challenges

There will Shadow of the Tomb Raider be 15 challenges; to get the trophy in question you only need to complete 5, while to complete the game at 100% you need to overcome them all.

A guide on how to complete all challenges is currently being worked on.

Eternal rest

Discover 3 secrets of the crypts

For the trophy in question we refer you to the description of the "Perfectionist" gold trophy.

Sew up the past

Pack 5 parts of suits

To get the suits in question, all you have to do is go to the various crypts and open the sarcophagi inside. Once you've done this, all you have to do is go back to the camp, open your inventory, press the R1 button to see the pieces of the suits you've collected during your explorations and, therefore, make the clothes in question.

To make a long story short, all you have to do is explore the 10 crypts and then devote yourself to getting clothes from the various pieces you've collected so far. Remember that, in order to crack the pieces in question, you'll need resources and materials, which can be obtained by looking for collectible items, opening some crates scattered around the game map, hunting or even buying them from some merchants. If you want to lower the "production costs", all you need to do is unlock the "Anole's Needle" skill (located in the "green" part of the Skill Tree), in order to reduce the amount of resources required for crafting.

Good Samaritan

Complete 8 side missions

During the course of the game, you will often come across side quests. Complete eight of them and you get the trophy. Nothing too difficult.


Perform 5 kills with Eagle Claw


Let's start by saying that you'll unlock the Eagle's Claw skill simply by continuing in the main plot of Shadow of the Tomb Raider . In this case, all you have to do is climb a tree branch and, by pressing the TRIANGLE button, shoot an arrow with rope at an unsuspecting enemy. At this point, once you've hooked your target, all you have to do is hoist it and let it dangle on the branch. Remember that only one corpse can be attacked on a single branch.

If you're having trouble finding the right points from which to perform this type of kill, please note that immediately after you get the skill in question, you'll need to perform one. For this reason, you can also simply reload that particular check point and accumulate the 5 kills needed to unlock the trophy.

First steps

Buy a skill

To obtain this trophy, please refer to the description of the bronze trophy "Specialization".


Get all the skills of a category

As you will notice when looking at the Skill Tree Shadow of the Tomb Raider , there are three different skill categories, each with its own skill tree will require many Skill Points. For this reason, keep as many as you can without squandering them in other sections. Once you've accumulated everything you need, create a manual save, so you can spend the points in question, get the trophies, load the save, and then get the points again, this time you can spend them on whatever you want.

The price is right

Buy an item from a merchant

During your adventure in Shadow of the Tomb Raider , you will find merchants in the cities of Kuwaq Yaku, Paititi (the hidden city) and Mission of San Juan. You simply need to buy an item from them to get the trophy in question; absolutely nothing difficult, you will get it without even realizing it.

Dr. Croft

Complete all collections of artifacts

To obtain the achievement in question, we refer you to the description of the "Perfectionist" trophy. Please note that the artifacts will all be marked on the game map, and it will not be impossible to find them.

The wind changes

Kill 5 enemies while looking for Lara


The best way to get the trophy in question is to be spotted by enemies and then hide immediately afterwards. Wait for your opponents to stop shooting (you'll have to wait about 10 or 15 seconds), then they'll start looking for you. The best strategy is to hide our Lara in the foliage, in order to perform stealth kills, but it's a good idea to catch our enemies behind. Use the checkpoints for farming, and in no time the trophy will be yours.

Look over there!

Kill 3 enemies while distracted


Although the description of this trophy may seem misleading, know that it is one of the easiest to unlock in Shadow of the Tomb Raider . First, specify that the term "distracted" indicates an enemy whose attention has been drawn to something other than your presence, such as a noise, an animal or the corpse of an ally. Precisely for this reason, you will have to act as you see fit to distract the enemy and kill them, perhaps with a silent kill by pressing the TRIANGLE button. Be careful: you won't have to kill three distracted enemies at once, but the three kills will be cumulative in a single run.

Friendly Fire

Kill 5 enemies using friendly fire


In order to get this trophy, you'll need to get the "Jaguar Fear" skill (found in the "Warrior" section of the Skill Tree). Don't worry, you'll get the skill in question simply by moving forward in the game plot, and there will also be a tutorial to help you understand how the skill works. You can then simply reload the checkpoint in question until you get the trophy.

For all achievements during your run, you will need to press the UP button on the directional cross, then press the R1 button to make the Fear Arrows (which will require, as components, the Silent Arrows, Fabric and a Poison Dart). The moment an enemy is hit by this type of arrow, he will be caught in a murderous frenzy, and will start shooting his allies. The moment one of them dies, he will be counted as an enemy killed by friendly fire. Repeat the procedure until the trophy is awarded.

You don't mess with fire.

Burn 2 enemies simultaneously


There will be a precise point in the game where you can easily get the trophy in question: this is the mission "Hunter's Moon", in the region of Cozumel, where you will have to cross the excavation site. Once there, you'll have to find and collect a bottle which, through crafting, you'll then turn into a Molotov cocktail. At this point, all you have to do is find two enemies very close to each other, throw them the Molotov cocktail and make the fire envelop them both.

If you are looking for an ideal place to do all this, pay attention to the second encounter you will have with your enemies. You'll notice three soldiers on a forklift; as soon as you see them, throw a Molotov cocktail and, in 90% of cases, you'll be able to unlock the trophy. In case you don't succeed, all you have to do is load the checkpoint and try again.


Perform 3 shots to the head with the gun within 3 seconds.


There will be a precise point in the game where you can easily get the trophy in question: this is the mission "Hunter's Moon", in the region of Cozumel, where you will have to cross the excavation site. Refer to the same three enemies that we mentioned in the "Don't play with fire" trophy, press the DOWN button of the directional cross on your game pad, so you can equip the gun. At this point, all you have to do is take three shots to the head in less than three seconds; the advice we have to give you is to shoot from right to left, as well as to save manually before attempting the feat.

The moment you kill the three soldiers, in fact, the game will create a self-rescue; for this very reason, not only will you have to save the game manually, but you will have to remember, in case you have to try again, to create another manual rescue on one of the available slots, as the game may overwrite your previous rescue with an autosave.

In case things go wrong, there is nothing to fear: going to the next target, our Lara Croft will find an enemy base with three other enemies waiting for her, and with them you'll have a new chance to get the trophy, but don't forget to take the precautions previously written.

Last known position

Sow the enemies 10 times


To get the trophy in question, when you enter an area with enemies, let yourself be discovered and then run and hide. At this point, wait for your opponents to stop shooting. After they have ceased firing, they will start looking for our adventurer; you will notice this moment as the enemies in question will say phrases like "Come out, you are alone against all of us". By the time this phase begins, about 15 seconds after the ceasefire, you will have achieved your goal. You will have to repeat this procedure 10 times in order to get the trophy.

Always remember that, for your convenience, you can always use the checkpoints to load the game and meet the same enemies again, repeating what was said before. In this respect, the walls are always the best place to hide.

Legendary beast

Defeat the Nahual

To obtain this trophy you will have to complete the secondary mission "Retrieve the Bow of the Champion", which will be awarded by Uchu, in the region of Paititi, towards the end of the main quest, just before the final mission. However, don't worry: you will always be able to carry out the missions in question after completing the main quest.

As some may have understood, we will have to recover the third item needed for Etzli's coronation, since our predecessor failed miserably. Uchu will tell us to head for the Jungle outside the city. Reach the tunnel and explore the wooded area. At this point, head to the thin crack in the rock, cross it and you will reach a new area, with a cave in the middle.

After entering the cave in question, the arch will be practically at hand; however, it is at this very moment that you will be attacked by a huge jaguar wearing a mask. It goes without saying that you'll have to face him, but don't worry: a few well-armed arrows will be enough to knock him out. As soon as you've defeated him, join the dying beast in the cave. Once the Nahual is dead and the bow is yours, return to Uchu and complete the mission. You will be invited to Etzli's coronation. After this, the trophy will be yours.

Sixth Sense

Hunt and kill 10 enemies with Perception activated


To get this trophy, you must first obtain the "Eagle's Eye" skill from the "Seeker" branch of the Shadow of the Tomb Raider . At this point, you will have to get the perception plants: this is a type of plant that you will find during your explorations of the game map. When you find some of them, press the L1 key and the TRIANGLE key to eat them: in this way you will activate Perception, which will allow you to see clearly, even if only for a few seconds, all the materials, plants, animals and, above all, the enemies around. While the Perception is still active, you'll have to kill 10 enemies (cumulatively speaking, of course) and the trophy in question will be yours.

The advice, also in this case, is to use the loading of a check point, so that you can make the kills without too much difficulty.

Seize the moment

Kill 10 enemies with Concentration activated


In order to get this trophy, you must first obtain the "Snake Scales" skill, found in the "Snake Scale" branch of the (Green' Shadow of the Tomb Raider s) skill tree. To get the Focus Herbal Mixture, you'll have to get all the herbs you need for the "Focus Herbal Mixture" by searching for them in the game map. Once you get it, press the L1 key and then the SQUARED key to consume the mixes, which will activate the Focus Herbal Mixture. In this state, the response time of your actions will be much faster and, on the contrary, time will slow down when you are aiming with a firearm. Again, the effects of Concentration will only last for a few seconds.

Use this state alteration to take out 10 enemies and the trophy will be yours. The advice, also in this case, is to resort to the loading of a check point, so you can make the kills without too much difficulty.

Tough to die

Take down 10 enemies with Stoicism activated


To get this trophy, you must first obtain the "Warrior's Heart" skill, found in the "Warrior" branch of the (Red' Shadow of the Tomb Raider s) skill tree. To get the Stoicism, you'll have to get all the herbs you need for the "Endurance Herbal Mixture" by searching for them in the game map. Once you have obtained it, press the L1 button and then the RIM button to consume the mixes, in this way you will activate Stoicism. The moment you are in this state, you will notice that the damage you suffer from melee weapons, bullets and arrows will drop dramatically. In this case too, be aware that the effects of this state will last only a few moments.

Take advantage of the Stoicism to take out 10 enemies (cumulatively speaking, of course) and the trophy will be yours. The advice, even in this case, is to resort to loading a check point, so you can make the kills without too much difficulty.

Como Te Llama

Stroke 5 blade

In order to get this trophy, you will first have to find the required animals, the llamas. Know that when you are in Paititi (the hidden city), you will encounter five llamas: one of them will be at the base camp located near the Unuratu mansion, another one near the slope located in one of the corners of the game map, two more will be in the market square, and another one will be in the group of houses located in the area south-west of the market square. In addition, in the "Mission of San Juan" area you will come across two more llamas, more precisely in the stables that you will find.

Your purpose, as also suggested by the trophy description, will be to caress five blades, and you can do so by approaching them and pressing the TRIANGLE button. Be careful: you will have to caress five different blades, as the trophy will not unlock if you caress the same animal five times.

Archaeologist of the Deep

Collect 5 submerged artifacts

You'll probably get this trophy without even realizing it when you collect all the collectible items you need to complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider 100%. Among the various artifacts you'll find yourself collecting, some of them will be in submerged areas, and you'll obviously have to recover them. Take five of these relics to unlock the trophy in question.

Treasures of the past

Decipher a monolith

To unlock the target in question, we refer you to the description of the "Perfectionist" gold trophy.

New altitudes

Climb a ledge after finding the extreme climbing equipment

This trophy will be linked to the simple continuation of the game plot, which is why it is virtually impossible to miss. You will unlock it towards the end of your stay in the Cenote region, during the main mission "The Rebellion Lives".

Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Trophies Guide


Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Trophies Guide

Grave raider

Complete all the graves of the main story challenge

A guide is being written that will explain how to complete all the graves in the game. Stay tuned so you don't miss any updates.

Good neighbours

Complete a secondary mission

To achieve the objective in question, we refer you to the description of the bronze trophy "Good Samaritan".

Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Trophies Guide


Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Trophies GuidePerfectionist

Complete the game 100%

Here we come to the longest and most challenging trophy in Shadow of the Tomb Raider . To get it, as the description specifies, you will have to complete the game 100%, which means collecting the 378 collectible items and completing the 15 Challenges (for a total of over 400 collectible items). For logistical and time reasons, we recommend that you focus on this trophy in your first low difficulty run, even after completing the game's storyline, so that you can track most of the items through the Survival Instincts, a sort of "radar" that can be activated by pressing the R3 button. In this way, in fact, you will make many of the objects that are in the vicinity appear on the map.

Other items, however, will be revealed to you as you collect the various explorer's backpacks and the archivist's maps, as was the case in Rise of the Tomb Raider. Fortunately, no items are missing, and the game map will also show you the amount and type of items available in each area, telling you how many you have collected and how many others are missing. To make this easier for you, we recommend that you purchase the following skills:

  • Eagle View: This skill will reveal the location of Artifacts, Monoliths, Treasure Chests, Archivist Maps, and Explorer Backpacks while using Survival Instincts;
  • Wisdom of the Owl: This skill will reveal the location of challenge items while using Survival Instincts;
  • Owl Vision: This ability will make the Survival Instincts last a little longer since our Lara starts moving. Also, when you play at the "All One with the Jungle" difficulty level, it's the only ability that will make the Survival Instincts "work" the way we all know them;

Below, we list all kinds of collectible items that you will find during your adventure, with a brief description:

  • Base Camps: Although they don't count towards the trophy, they are the places where you can buy skills, as well as the points for using the Quick Trip feature;
  • Secondary Missions: These are side quests that will be assigned to you in the three cities you visit: Paititi (the hidden city), Kuwaq Yaku and San Juan Mission;
  • Challenges: This is perhaps the toughest collectible to find, as you will be able to locate it only after you have more or less consciously completed one of the objectives of the challenges. Even after you've unlocked the first target, the map won't tell you how to continue the challenge. In this respect, the "Wisdom of the Owl" skill will come in extremely useful;
  • Relics: these collectibles will present themselves to you in the form of small boxes, and will be considered Artifacts for all intents and purposes. Moreover, they will guarantee you some expertise in the deciphering of the Monoliths;
  • Documents: these are sheets of paper and/or parchments that you will find scattered throughout the game world. In addition, they will guarantee you some expertise in the deciphering of the Monoliths;
  • Mural: These are stone statues of human size that you will find in the game map. In addition, they will guarantee you good expertise in deciphering monoliths;
  • Survival Cache: these are buried treasures that you can get by digging; you'll be able to see them even from a considerable distance thanks to the glow they give off. Once obtained, these collectables will guarantee you a considerable amount of resources;
  • Monoliths: as the word might suggest, they are huge vertical blocks of stone, with inscriptions that will require considerable linguistic expertise to be deciphered (you will get it by collecting Relics, Documents and Murals). As soon as you have interacted with a Monolith, you will see a riddle to solve in the area surrounding the stone block (place the cursor of the game map on the Monolith to understand how large is the area where you will have to search) whose purpose is to make you find a treasure. As soon as you locate the crate in question, you'll get some pretty rare materials and animal skins;
  • Explorer Backpacks: This type of items is not required for 100% completion of the game, but it will make your life much easier. Collect these backpacks and Survival Instincts will reveal the location of Crypts, Treasure Chests and Survival Cache;
  • Archivist Maps: These items are not required for 100% completion of the game, but will make your life much easier. Collect these maps and Survival Instincts will reveal the location of Relics, Murals, Documents and Monoliths;
  • Crypts: these are smaller versions of the Tombs (which we'll talk about later), with a sarcophagus to be found inside them. As soon as you have located it, open it to find clothes (or pieces of clothes) that you can repair when you return to Base Camp;
  • Tombs: This is the most challenging challenge in Shadow of the Tomb Raider the game. These tombs are very large and will present the most complex puzzles in the game, but each of them will unlock a valuable skill for Lara Croft;
  • Treasure Chests: These are chests that can only be opened using the Picklock;

Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Trophies Guide


Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Trophies Guide


Complete the game 100%

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