Every pirate, you know, is always on the lookout for gold. Every adventure he embarks on will be judged only by how hungry and how much gold he can earn. Precisely for this reason, Sea of Thieves could not escape these "racing logic". If you're already struggling with Microsoft's exclusive, you'll easily understand that gold is an element of fundamental importance, and it's good to understand how to accumulate as much as possible. In this guide, we will explain all the ways to earn gold as quickly as possible and what are the best ways to spend your loot.
How to quickly make gold in Sea of Thieves
The main way to earn gold in Sea of Thieves is mainly to take any trip proposed by one of the three factions, with which you'll get to know them when you start the game in an outpost on the map. The three factions are: the Merchant Alliance, the order of souls and the Gold Hunters. As you can easily understand when you read the names in question, the faction of the Gold Hunters is the one that will generally reward you with more money after your entire journey than the other two.
The ideal way to immediately identify the faction of Gold Hunters is to locate their characteristic dark purple tent, which will be present in the various outposts. However, it may take you a while to find an outpost in Sea of Thieves, as they are randomly generated. In any case, when you find one, go immediately to the inner tent. Once you have found the member of the Gold Hunters, select the option to view their travels. Remember that you can choose up to a maximum of three trips at a time to have available in your inventory.
A tip to save you time

Our advice is to select all three available slots by selecting the trips offered by the Gold Hunters. Once this is done, reach your ship and immediately weigh anchor, making sure you understand the clues you have been given to understand the exact location of the treasure. Keep in mind that you will always be on the lookout for treasure chests during Gold Hunters' journeys. Although the clues may change with the various trips you make, going from a complex riddle to a mysterious map, your goal will always be to find the indicated treasure chest.
It's worth remembering a little tip to reduce the time taken to complete the various trips assigned by the Gold Hunters: always try to complete all three available trips of the faction in question while on the high seas. This way, before returning to an outpost, you will already have all three treasure chests in your possession, safely hidden on your ship. This stratagem is based on one small but important detail. Not returning to an outpost immediately after collecting a treasure chest significantly increases the amount of gold you can earn in relation to the time it takes. For this very reason, you will generally do well to try to complete at least two or three trips before returning to the port to collect the promised gold.
Beware of other pirates!

There is, however, one important detail that should be mentioned: this tactic is by no means without risk. During your travels, in fact, you must always be careful not to be attacked by any enemy vessels. In the world of Sea of Thieves, becoming easy prey is much easier than you might think. Precisely for this reason, you'll have to make sure you're not attacked by an enemy crew that wants to steal your treasure chest. No matter how many you're carrying, to get the most out of this strategy, you'll always have to keep your eyes on the horizon and be on the lookout for all the ships you encounter. Should your ship be sunk, you will instantly lose all your accumulated treasure chests.
Once back in port, you will simply take all the treasure chests on your ship to the Gold Diggers' tent. In this way you will collect a substantial amount of gold and improve your position with this faction. The advantages of a better position will be that the Gold Hunters will tend to entrust you with more demanding journeys, but they can guarantee you even better rewards.
Another way to make a lot of gold

There is also another way to quickly earn gold in Sea of Thieves. However, this is something much more challenging than simply digging up treasure chests. When you are on the open sea, you will periodically see a giant skull in the sky. Well, that skull is telling you the precise location of a skeleton fort. The moment you and your crew manage to make your way through the meanders of these fortresses, defeating the hordes of undead hiding within them, you can get your hands on a reward of at least 4,000 gold coins. As you can easily understand, that's a lot of gold, much more than you'll ever earn on a single Gold Hunter's journey. However, it's equally easy to understand that the difficulty involved is much higher.
Once you get your gold, you'll obviously have to find a way to spend it. For this purpose, we highly recommend you go to one of the various shops located in the outposts of Sea of Thieves. You can, for example, ask the arms dealer to buy you a sniper rifle or a new pistol. In case you want to freshen up your look, there will be plenty of clothing merchants to buy new coats and boots, including all kinds of hats and even bandages to "embellish" your pirate.
Beyond the purely aesthetic objects, however, the most important thing to save money for, in Sea of Thieves, is the upgrade of your pirate ship. As it is easy to understand, these purchases will be of fundamental importance in your adventure. However, it is good to keep in mind that you can spend considerable amounts of money, even up to 140,000 gold coins. All this means that you'll have to start saving money pretty soon, especially if your desire is to be able to afford a new pair of sails for your vessel, or to buy a brand new hull.