It's Riven Layout Change Time in Warframe. The Empyrean update made a substantial number of changes to the Riven layouts, which are powerful mods in Warframe. Specific to a weapon, you can re-throw it until something compelling emerges. It's safe to say that if you're looking for Riven changes, you know how Rivens works in Warframe. Let's jump right into a big list of all the Riven layout changes from the recent Warframe update.
Keep in mind that if the number has gotten smaller, it means that the Rivens for that weapon have become more scarce. If the number has grown larger, then the Rivens for that weapon are more likely to drop in the game.
Primary weapons
- Afuris: 1,39-> 1,45
- Akbolto: 0,8-> 0,95
- Telos Akbolto: 0,8-> 0,9
- Akbolto Prime: 0,8-> 0,85
- Akbronco: 1,25-> 1,35
- Akbronco Prime: 1,25-> 1,3
- Akjagara: 0,9-> 0,95
- Akjagara Prime: 0,9-> 0,85
- Aklex: 0,8-> 0,9
- Aksomati: 1,2-> 1,25
- Akstilletto: 0,5-> 0,6
- Akstilletto Prime: 0,5-> 0,55
- Water: 1.2-> 1.25
- Angstrum: 1,3-> 1,35
- Investing box, 1-> 1,05
- Ballistica: 1,1-> 1,2
- Rakta Ballistica: 1.1-> 1.15
- Ballistica Prime: 1.1-> 1.15
- Bronco: 1,35-> 1,4
- Castanas: 1,35-> 1,4
- Cyanex: 0,85-> 0,8
- Cycron: 1.15-> 1.2
- Detron: 1-> 1,1
- Dual Cestra: 1,3-> 1,35
- Toxocyste double: 1,3-> 1,35
- MK1-Furis: 1,35-> 1,4
- Gammacor: 0,95-> 1,05
- Synoid Gammacor: 0,95-> 1
- Regard: 1-> 0,9
- Hikou: 1,05-> 1,2
- Hikou Prime: 1.05-> 1.15
- Hystrix: 1,1-> 1,15
- Knell: 1.2-> 1.25
- Bullets: 1,25-> 1,3
- Side: 1,35-> 1,4
- Lex: 1.05-> 1.15
- Lex Prime: 1.05-> 1.1
- Apricots: 0,95-> 1,05
- Vaykor Marelok: 0,95-> 1
- Ocucor: 1.1-> 1.15
- Tambourine: 1-> 1,05
- Plinx: 1,1-> 1,15
- Pyrana: 0,65-> 0,7
- Pyrana Prime: 0,65-> 0,6
- Rattleguts: 0,75-> 0,7
- Sicarus Prime: 1.1-> 1.2
- Sonicor: 1-> 1,05
- Spectra Vandal: 1,46-> 1,4
- Coil: 1,15-> 1,2
- Stub: 1,3-> 1,35
- Tombfinger: 0,7-> 0,65
- Twin Gremlins Prism: 1,2-> 1,15
- Twin Vipers: 1.41-> 1.45
- Type: 1,51-> 1,45
- Vast: 1,35-> 1,4
- Viper: 1,35-> 1,4