Since when PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds made its debut, the videogame world - after the past era of MOBAs - approached the fashion of Battle Royale Game, giving life to large productions that still boast a disproportionate amount of active users such as Fortnite. The title was born first on PC and later arrived on Console but as a temporary exclusive for Xbox One.
Following so many rumors and requests, the development team has finally decided that the right time has come to release the production also on the Sony platform, donating a version that boasts the presence of some exclusive items such as the clothes of Nathan Drake for our character. Thanks to the support of PlayStation Italy, we got to get our hands on this new version of PUGB, will he be able to satisfy us and jump all the problems that arose at launch in the rival console? Let's find out together!
Survival in a nutshell
Let's start from the beginning, a Battle Royale is tasked with throwing the player into full-scale combat, whether in teams or solo. The beginning of the battle is mainly aimed at gathering the best equipment, in view of the clashes in which we will encounter during the exploration of the map. There is also a gauntlet there Safe-Zone, an area that will gradually be narrowed after a certain amount of time, trying to group the hundred players in an area that is ever closer to each other.
Finding better equipment in the shortest amount of time is the main key to achieving victory, as it will often happen to land in areas where other players are already present and as you can well imagine, in these cases the victory goes to those who manage to arm themselves first in the the best way. The beauty of PlayerUnknown's Battleground is the immediate action, it will not be possible to settle in one place for too long given the shrinkage of the area. We will also have daily missions available, once we have reached the right amount of experience accumulated from the challenges, we will get rewards.
Unique variety
Another thing we really like about the title is the presence of the vehicles, which allow a different action from Fortnite - in which in recent updates he has finally added vehicles - given the variety of vehicles that we will have available in the game map, starting from the motorcycles up to the jeeps. Another difference is that when an enemy dies, it will be possible to loot over the armament, even the clothes, in order to confuse an enemy who has already seen us previously in the same area.
At the first start we will be able to customize our character starting from the aesthetic side up to the clothing. From the main menu it will be possible to change gender, clothing and everything else whenever we want. Inside the game there is a shop that will allow us to buy clothing and unique items that are available for a limited time, using the game currency - which is mainly obtained with real money.
Tactics are the basis of victory
Il Gunplay it is very arcade, we also have the possibility to switch from the third person to the first when we want, moreover, if we stay still and try to aim, the game will automatically enable us the first person for greater precision during the combat phases. The initial problem of the game is to learn how to use the inventory and weapons as quickly as possible, since the immediate action requires a certain dexterity, in order to anticipate the enemy's moves or in any case counter a brutal action by the latter.
Studying the game map is a very important task, because knowing every single spot for a better action allows you to have a strategic advantage on the map, as well as having a high chance of finding good equipment at the beginning of the battle. One of the main defects is that of the woodiness of the camera, sometimes it will happen to almost clash with the latter, because in the third person it happens to catch some polygonal interpenetration caused by the camera, which will be blocked by invisible walls.
The choice of mode
The game modes are in a nutshell two, the team one and the solo one. In our opinion it is better to start with the Team one and alternate this with the solitary one to test what you have learned with the first mode. Be prepared to have a lot of patience before being able to play properly, since the first battles will almost always be hard blows from the enemies. Despite a somewhat abrupt initial impact, PlayerUnknown's Battleground extends his hand to every type of gamer, after a few hours even the less experienced will be able to make one or two kills per game.
We want to dedicate a few lines to the game servers that during our test were very stable, we never had problems with latency or sudden disconnections. Moreover, in spite of the Xbox One version, the game on PlayStation 4 runs quite well, has never had any drop in framerate, even if it must be said that there is a certain continuous pop-in effect that undermines the visual quality. On a graphic level, excellence is not touched, the textures are a bit bland and the care is rather marginal.
Final Comment
In conclusion, the version for PlayStation 4 is promoted, has not put on the plate a series of problems that arose at the launch of the version Xbox One, this is already a step forward and worthy of praise. The only problems reside on the camera that is not exactly fluid and has a graphic impact that is not exactly in step with the times. Despite everything, if you are looking for a good Battle Royale, PUGB could be the answer for you.
We remember that PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds It is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One e PC.