Use gunpowder to craft ammo when needed.
As you try to escape the dreaded Nemesis and leave Raccoon City for good, you'll find gunpowder tucked away in various nooks and crannies. I don't know what the people of Raccoon City are like, but they really like them gunpowder: it can be found in yellow boxes, lockers, on desks and in between.
Because gunpowder takes up valuable inventory space, it's best to keep it in your item box until you have enough to create ammo, and this should only be done when you're short (it's easy to spam handgun ammo until you realize your shotgun needs the love).
There are two forms of gunpowder in Resident Evil 3 - regular gunpowder and high quality gunpowder. These can be combined in three ways to craft ammo
- Handgun Ammo - Gunpowder x2 (creates 15 rounds)
- Shotguns - Gunpowder + High-Grade Gunpowder (creates 4 shells)
- MAG Ammo - High Quality Gunpowder x2 (creates 30 rounds)
As you can see, Gunpowder doesn't make a lot of ammo in exchange for the inventory slots it will occupy, so stockpile whatever you find and replenish whenever you reach a safe room. Once you have what you need, you need to move the required gunpowder into your inventory - you cannot combine items in the item box or in between.
When the two are in the same place, select a gunpowder and press "combine". Only items that can be mixed with what you have selected will be highlighted, so in the case of gunpowder it will be additional gunpowder. Select the type you want to mix for the desired ammo and both will be consumed. You will then have a stack of ammo in your inventory that can be combined with existing ammo (up to a certain cap), or stored for later.
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