In Remainder: Ashes, the Stormcaller is a boss fight that you can find in the Garden of Martyrs on Yaesha. The name is a gift, as the Stormcaller summons powerful electric attacks that do massive damage if they hit you.
Remnant: From The Ashes – Comment battre Stormcaller
More than most bosses in Rest: From the Ashes, the Battle of Stormcaller is all about environmental awareness. The main issue in this fight is the powerful electric attacks that the boss calls out from the sky. They can strike anywhere in the arena. You must remain vigilant as to where you are riding and running during engagement. If you fall into the large area of effect of these spells, you will lose a considerable amount of life.
At the start of the fight, the boss looks for projectiles for you. It's best to always face Stormcaller so that you can see these attacks coming and take place on the sidelines. The boss also calls out smaller enemies that you will have to deal with. These never get overwhelming and are easily eliminated before they get to you.
It is best to stay away from the Stormcaller and use weapons that deal a lot of damage at long range. I haven't encountered a boss yet that hasn't been injured by my hunter's pistol, and the Sniper Rifle is a great weapon to use as well. You want to alternate your damage between the boss and the ads, but keep an eye behind you.
Lightning strikes, Stormcaller's calls are usually pretty obvious, as a whirlwind of sparks will start on the ground. The problem is, these can appear right behind you, without warning you of the damage you've done.
For mods, Mender's Aura is never a bad idea. If you're running solo, Undying may be preventing you from being unfairly fired at the start of combat.