It's time for all of us to create a new Legendary Bounty that has taken root in the Rented Pistol instead of the Collector or Trader. This one is a doozy. Philip Carlier, a once-respected banker who got off the hook a bit, will see you dive into swamp mud up to your neck, swamp mud, as you battle alligators and Mud Men.
We are now at home as there are only four more to go and in total I will be sad to see them go. Sure, some of them were brilliantly thought out, others were able to put an end to their nightmares, but overall they were a lot of fun. So where does Philip Carlier fit into all of this? Somewhere in between, not as pleasant as last week's effort but not as frustrating as some. So if you want to take it down, this is how you go about it.
Red Dead Online Legendary Rewards Guide: Philip Carlier
* Obviously, spoilers ahead if you haven't completed this yet *
The establishment
Philip Carlier was a respected banker and a discreet man, and he was challenged by embezzlement. He then beat his manager to death with a candlestick. He left for the swamps and has been hiding there ever since. Other bounty hunters set out to find him, but none of them even saw, so it's up to you to realize what they couldn't and bring in Philip Carlier, Dead or Alive.
You will find yourself outside the settlement of Lagras, a place that should be familiar to anyone who has had to get rid of a bandit hideout or hunt someone, and when you approach Philip Carlier is waiting for you. He's making a stew and looks like he hasn't seen a bath for about three years. He looks genuinely happy to see you and tells you he's looking forward to your company, but it's a trick, he drops something explosive into the mix that sets the subconscious on fire. Now here's where things get a little weird.
Get off Philip Carlier
When you come to you will find that you are higher than Snoop Dogg on April 20th. This is a problem because it affects your vision and reaction time, and could see you very dead, very quickly. After watching a giant owl (no, really) take flight and turn into a puff of smoke, another black cloud will appear and emerging from it, armed with a machete, will walk Philip Carlier. He intends to take your head off and you have to shoot him to prevent him from doing so. Which is hard to do when you can't stick to the son of a bitch. If you manage to hit it, it will disappear again. You'll hear another small explosion, but this time around you won't know where it came from. This is where Sudden Death comes in. I lost two lives doing this, because you have to turn around, find him before he finds you and speak to him again before he can put you down. in pieces. If you manage to do it successfully, you get three times the return of sight, the drugs run out, and you have to find it.
Click in Eagle Eye and look for clues. As soon as you find one, inspect it and focus on the trails to find Philip Carlier. Be careful, the swamp is filled with alligators and Mud Men, inhabitants of the mud covered swamps, and their sole purpose is to make sure you can't get close to Philip Carlier. They'll either stab you to death by putting an arrow through your skull, or scratching the shit still in love with you.
Follow the footsteps and you will find Philip Carlier. Having had to replay this because of his assassination, I found him to be the furthest away from the three yellow markers, but it might be different for other players. It's easier to take off by road as soon as you identify it and locate its place of residence, but whatever you do, don't lead your horse into the swamp because you'll get eaten.
As soon as you find it, put a bullet in the knee and try to tie it up as fast as possible. The reason is simple. Philip Carlier can talk to alligators, and they're all ready to attack you as soon as he hits the mud. If you know your pet or their mud man friends are jumping on you, then take out whatever moves before transporting it to the main road and on the back of your horse. If you can't do that, then you'll have to sneak into the swamp to chase it down, and it can get messy, very quickly.
Taking Philip Carlier In
This shouldn't be too much of a problem for you, as it prompts you to take him to the nearest prison, and since it's in Saint-Denis, right next to you, you should find minimal resistance. Only one guy has come after me which is a big change from other Legendary Bounties so far. When you drop him in the cell and collect your reward, the police chief mentions that some people cannot be rehabilitated. However, they must try, which leads me to believe that Philip Carlier is going to the mental institution and not to make the deceased dance at the end of a rope. It's annoying because they don't know how long it will take you to remove swamp mud from your clothes.
Latest Thoughts
Philip Carlier was, shall we say, an interesting bonus. It wasn't as much fun as some of the others, but, as I mentioned before, it wasn't a huge pain either. What I liked the most about it though, was that it was pretty scary and slightly inspired by the horror theme. The Mud Men appearing out of nowhere and Philip Carlier's alligators, it certainly kept you on your toes and had a tinge of the classic Mountain Men Eat Everyone movies of the late '70s. It can only be good. bodes well for next week's Legendary Bounty, as Halloween is upon us, and Rockstar is likely to stand out. Let's face it, we're all dying for another Red Dead Nightmare, and there's this house with the warning on the barn.