It's a whole new week, and you know what that means, a brand new Legendary Bounty to hunt down in Red Dead Online, my fellow Bounty Hunters, and this one, well, this one is a doozy. Before going any further, I apologize to you, as I was not there last week for moving home and waiting for my interweb to be reconnected. So I missed the guide by bringing you a guide to the best bounties. available to this day, the Owlhoot family.
However, I did manage to play this yesterday and have to say it's the best of the bunch yet, and that includes today's offer. So I hope you all managed to bring them together alive and bring them for the highest possible reward. Unfortunately, I may have killed a few of them by mistake before realizing that I could tire them out so as not to lure the body with bullets. Ah well, live and learn.
Red Dead Online Legendary Bounty Guide: Sergio Vincenza
Either way, here's this week's guide to bringing you the legendary Red Dead Online Bounty: Sergio Vincenza.
* Obviously, spoilers ahead if you haven't completed this yet *
The establishment
According to his Wanted Poster, as well as the little movie you get at the start of each of those movies, Sergio Vincenza is a wanted terrorist for promoting anarchy and attempting political assassination. He also warns you to approach with extreme caution, as he was a military sniper. I will tell you now, take this warning to heart, especially if you are going to take this mission on your own like I did. Otherwise, you are going to be in bad weather.
He also says he was last seen somewhere by Roanoke Ridge, but don't worry about having to travel this far, as the game, as always, drops you there and this time right outside his camp.
Take Sergio Vincenza
It is not easy, not at all imaginary, and if you are playing alone, or even if you are traveling with friends or in a group, there is a good chance that you will die often. This is due to the fact that Sergio Vincenza is not the only sniper in the camp and although the game warns you that when snipers have you in front of you the screen will start to flash, little matter the situation. seem to be able to shoot around corners. Honestly, it took me four attempts to bring it down
It also doesn't help that his camp is around three times the size of what it initially appears to be, meaning that as you're still looking for enough cover to hide, you'll find yourself facing down. whole groups of guards. it will come running from trees, abandoned houses and usually shrubs. The problem here is that you really won't see the bullet killing you because those surprises and unwanted enemies pop up out of nowhere.
Your best bet here is to go to the farthest point from his tower and move around, shooting as many of them as possible with your knife before you have to use guns, because as soon as you get noisy everyone world and their grandmother are on. you. When you have to be loud, my advice is to look for barrels or red boxes and shoot them, as the resulting explosions will take out a few bad guys for you, but you also need to know where you are crouching, like a Well placed sniper bullet can ruin your game with a huge boom.
If you stay alive long enough and your controller or TV isn't disturbed out of sheer frustration, you'll prepare to climb up the tower and have the chance to shoot Sergio Vincenza, before giving you the choice to take him away. dead or alive. and while it's tempting to just execute the son of a bitch for all the trouble he's caused you, dead bounties don't pay as well as the ones out there, so give up the temptation, if you can.
Taking Sergio Vincenza In
Considering what you've just been through, the situation is nowhere near as bad, although a little annoying. Like in the Legendary First Bounty: Barbarella Alcazar, the people of Sergio Vincenza won't just let you drive their boss to jail. They throw people at you, and there are quite a few as well, but if you've completed the Barbarella Alcazar mission, you know what to expect. Keep shooting and sooner or later they will run out of bodies. With that done, you can take him to the nearest jail, where he can rot in a cell until they hang him up while you go to spend your very hard-earned money.
Latest Thoughts
There are no two ways about this. he's a mission asshole. It's frustrating, if you're playing solo, and I have no doubt that those who chose to team up with others shouting curses into their mics and on TV have once again been trapped by an unforeseen member. of Vincena's gang either disposed them or, worse yet, one of their teammates at the cost of their last life as a team.
I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or not, but it looks like Rockstar has come up with a model when it comes to their Legendary Bounties and although we've only had four so far, it looks like even numbers like two and four look gloomy, while odd numbers like one and three turn out bright and thoughtful with backdrops that perfectly sum up what you want from the bounty hunting experience.
Like I said, it might just be a coincidence, but I can't help but find myself impatient to see the fifth Bounty Legendary land next week.