Red Dead Online's Frontier Pursuits new role is The Naturalist. After a much anticipated build-up and plenty of rumors including a role as a photographer, the latest role is a welcome addition to the barren content of the Old West.
A new role has been planned and hinted at in early 2020. The first rumors started, hinting that it would be a photographer role. Players guessed that a photographer role, because if that was what it was, would be an offshoot of the existing collector. The players were divided on a role of photographer. Many thought it would be nice if there was more, others were angry that it would cost gold to walk around and take pictures, others liked the idea of the relaxing gameplay that came with it.
After Newswire introduced the new role, hinting at a future role as a “naturalist,” players began to suspect that it was a combination of photography and hunting.
It turns out they were partially correct. The naturalist has two branches: a studious curator and a poacher. The poacher adds a lot more clothing options. It might be possible to do both at the same time, but Harriet (the lead on the green side of the role), will know it and can react accordingly.
Role rewards by rank
As with other roles, The Naturalist unlocks different rewards as you level up. There are four levels of progression: Novice, Promising, Established, and Distinguished. Each level has five levels, giving the naturalist 20 levels.
Unlike the Outlaw Pass, where things can be purchased for gold after unlocking them by leveling up, there are two systems involved in role rewards. For the most part, once you level up, you unlock part of the kit. The kit will include all purchasable items. And yes, you will have to buy them with in-game gold or silver. With the exception of the final rank 20 rewards (the latest Gypsy Cobs and Underhill Charms), all of them are unlocked once you reach the level. following.
Special tokens are rewarded at each rank. Sometimes these are the only rewards for that rank. We tried to list the special tokens as part of the rank rewards, but it seemed repetitive and silly. If a rank is not listed, the only reward is two tokens.
Novice rewards

Novice includes grades one through five. Notable rank rewards include:
- Rank 3: Upgrade Kit Bag
- Rank 4: Naturalist events
- Rank 5: Legendary Eagle Eye
The rewards for the novice kit are:
- The Foxmore
- Thorburn pistol belt
- Gypsy Cob (white Blagdon and Piebald coats)
- Varmint Sedative Cartridge Brochure
- The Tilliston outfit
- The Zapata headband
Promising rewards

The Promising level is level six to ten. Notable rank rewards include:
- Rank 6: Mercy: The ability to kill injured animals out of mercy.
- Rank 7: Naturalistic opportunities
- Rank 10: Animal Focus
The rewards of the promising kit are:
- Animal Reviver Brochure
- The Sagemoor outfit
- Minstead gloves
- Varmint rifle variant
- Tonic Mix Brochure
- Wild camp
- Black tail belt buckle
The Promising Kit's Wilderness Camp allows players to set up a temporary camp for resting and cooking, a long-requested feature.
Established awards

The established level is from level 11 to 15. Notable rewards include:
- Rank 15: Animal attraction
The rewards of the established kit are:
- The dim Kennewick
- Legendary Animal Pheromones Brochure
- Thorburn holster
- Gantelets of Liseron
- Gypsy Cob (manteaux Skewbald et Palomino Blagdon)
- Coiffure Tangled Locks
This level unlocks the mid-level Gypsy Cob. Their stats are starting to improve here and they are better quality mounts than the top tier horses. Although their colors may be better.
Distinguished awards

The Distinguished Tier is the final stage and encompasses Ranks 16-20. Notable rewards include:
- Rang 16: Master Tracker
- Rank 18: Improved Tonics Satchel
The Distinguished Kit is different from the others. Some items unlock immediately, others only unlock at level 20. This is the only multi-level kit that is split by level.
- Rank 15: The Dim Hemiston
- Rank 15: The Take Note emote
- Rank 20: Gypsy Cob (Splashed Bay and Splashed Piebald coats)
- Rang 20: Charms Underhill
The Gypsy Cob from the Distinguished Kit is the highest horse available for this role. A brief note on the Gypsy Cob is below.
The Gypsy cop, the naturalist's horse
Let's be honest: the only thing that matters to us in this new role is the horse. And the clothes. But above all the horse.
In terms of stats, the Cob is the Kladruber, but faster and stockier. The third Cob that can be unlocked will have maximum health and stamina, the same as the Kladruber, plus eight speeds with the saddle. It's not the fastest, but speed doesn't really matter much in Red Dead online. Still, it outperforms the slower, larger Kladruber. Plus, the Cob has really cute and fluffy hooves.
Gus rewards
Gus' rewards are different from regular higher level rewards. Gus acts as the trapper in single player mode, crafting sets and items for the player. We do not have the unlocked sets, these may become available when you face legendary animals.
Clothing available:
- Cornhill hat
- Sailor hat
- Dotson hat
- Flixton hat
- Farnholme cartridge belt
- Farnholme double cartridge pouch
- Cartouchière Tanguma
- Tanguma double cartridge
- Maerbay coat
- Glenwood coat
- Maxwell's jacket
- Gantelets tierney
- Mountfleet gloves
- Lawncliff pants
- Beaver tooth jewel
- Bibelot Buck Antler
- Javelina Defense Jewel
- Ram's horn jewel
- Snowy Egret Jewel
- Cornue variant
- Bigpaw saddle bag
- Softcoat saddle bag
- Five arrows
- 60 Varmint shotgun shells
- Four Nitro Express shotgun shells