There is a bit of a prejudice towards those who make a career with Tik Tok realizing video, but we assure you that there are not only funny ballets but also a lot to learn. The prime example are Raissa and Momo, a very loving couple who try to defeat racism with love. The two tiktokers have gone from videos to write a book which will be released on May 18, but pre-order is already available on Amazon.

From Tik Tok videos to their first book: who are Raissa and Momo?
A young engaged couple who want to pass positive messages and fight the stigma of racism with gentle tones, lots of irony and always ready for dialogue. Raissa Russi, 24, has a degree in administration and labor consultancy, and Mohamed Ismail Bayed, 27, has a degree in physical education. They weren't very nice until they really met at the gym.
They get engaged and open a profile are Tik Tok: in a short time the couple reaches thousands of followers thanks to their videos in which they try to break down discrimination against mixed couples in a cheerful way. With their videos of Tik Tok Raissa and Momo they want to provide the tools to face the "haters". We must never respond to hatred with hatred, but with dialogue.
From different worlds and similar souls: the book by Raissa and Momo
A coming-of-age story that sweeps away commonplaces with a breath of fresh air and knows how to transform itself into a universal message. You can grow up in the same city, walk the same streets, but experience distant stories so much that you feel you are inhabitants of two different worlds. The one of Mohamed is the story of a child who learns too soon about the hostility dictated by ignorance and bullying. The one of Raissa is the story of a little girl surrounded by a bubble of love and protected from all that is “different”, Who opens up to the world full of curiosity and questions and wants to learn to walk on their own legs. Two kindred souls who recognize each other because, even if you come from different worlds, you can experience the same emotions.

Raissa and Momo's love story is told truthfully in their book. Yes, we are not just talking about love, but about feelings such as fear, loneliness, the desire to change. The common thread are the daily struggles against hatred, prejudice and injustice.

- Bayed, Mohamed Ismail (Author)
Thanks to the Tik Tok videos of Raissa and Momo and with this "From different worlds and kindred souls”You will not feel alone in your battle. We are very curious to be able to read it and find out how Raissa and Momo faced their fears. You can pre-order the book so on the 18th you will already have it in your hands.
Tagslibri Raissa and Momo: From Tik Tok videos to their first book