Rainbow Six Siege Y5S4 Operation Neon Dawn patch notes
New content
- New operator: Aruni
- Capacity: Surya Gate
- Primary weapons: P10 Roni / Mk 14 EBR
- Secondary weapon: PRB92
- Gadgets: Proximity alarm / barbed wire
- 2 armor / 2 speed
- Map redesign: skyscrapers
- Skyscraper has been reworked to balance gameplay and improve navigation. Players have a new angle of attack, as Operators can now abseil down to the roof. Additionally, Dragon is now an indoor room and serves as a bridge between the 2F house and the 2F restaurant.
- For reasons of balance, some entrances were blocked off and part of the balcony removed to prevent attackers from camping outside. Despite these changes, the identity and artistic style of the card remains intact.
Game balancing
- Ustid Detection
- The outdoor detection timer is reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second for operators.
- The timer has been replaced with a gauge in the user interface.
Player comfort
- Reconnect state
- Allows players to see when there is a match in progress that they can reconnect to, whether it was previously left intentionally or not.
- Intended to clearly indicate the reconnection action in Player HUB, Play Section, Multimodals and Matchmaking Screen.
- Faster reinforcement
- Reinforcement deployment reduced from 5,5 seconds to 4,5 seconds.
- Continued improvements in the preparation phase.
- Roulette HUD
- The number of players remaining in a game will always be displayed in the HUD.
- When the number of players changes, a new animation occurs.
- Updated playlist guides
- Receive an update to unify the criteria, add more useful information to players and give an overview of their main features.
- Players can easily find out what each playlist has to offer and which one is best for them, from match length to main rules and game modes.
- More specific information about the competition is added in the ranked guide regarding MMR facts, squad restriction, how the Bomb game mode works and the ban phase, or what penalties are involved when quitting. .
Game health
- Defusing planting system
- Detection and behavior improvements have been made to the defuser when an attacker crashes.
- Players are no longer able to plant defusers outside of bomb sites.
- A small "No Drop Zone" is now present around the bomb site and other rooms to prevent accidental defusing drops.
- The detection to validate the deployment of the defuse is now on both the player and the defuse position.
- The defuser can now be planted directly under the operator, so planting is now possible by hugging a wall or strut.
- Deployable and grip
- Gadget deployment is now blocked if a player attempts to deploy to an existing gadget.
- Projectiles can now stick to bulletproof gadgets.
- 3D weapon skins
- 3D weapon skins are gradually being added to the game.
- Skins are meant to improve the quality of content delivered to players and to provide additional customization options.
Bug fixes
- FIXED - Player can lose control of their character at the end of a turn.
- FIXED - Deployable Gadget Colliders do not rotate with player perspective.
- FIXED - Sticky gadgets are bouncing off bulletproof gadgets.
- FIXED - Various matchmaking abilities when finding another match after a match cancellation and when a player joins in progress.
- FIXED - Players can see the opposing team before joining the match.
- FIXED - Various issues with planting and defusing recovery in specific areas of the maps.
- FIXED - LOS issues on the clubhouse map from Garage 1F to the East Loft.
- FIXED - Various lighting issues on the maps.
- FIXED - Various map asset destruction issues.
- FIXED - Various audio issues on the cards.
- FIXED - All players in a game will experience FPS drops when a player turns to a specific location on certain maps.
- FIXED - Inconsistent vault prompts found on the Bank map outside the Trading Room and garage roof windows.
- FIXED - Gadget deployment issues detected on Consulate and Coastline maps.
- FIXED - Deployment issues with Zero's piercing camera on Coastline Bar Main Hall 1F and Outback Compressor Room 1F.
- FIXED - Ability to use a shield to jump on the counter in the piano room from the chalet map.
- FIXED - Team skills with RFF disabled will take effect on the first map with RFF enabled.
- FIXED - Votes on maps are recorded if players interact with player profiles through the dashboard when opened as an overlay.
- FIXED - Ace's SELMA is affected by electricity when thrown into a hole covered by electricity. SELMA may not explode a second time.
- FIXED - Minor overlay animation issues for Operators and their gadgets.
- FIXED - Various minor animation and clipping issues when performing certain moves for various operators.
- FIXED - Various clipping issues for operator weapons and equipment.
- FIXED - Various visual fixes and clipping issues for operators and their gadgets.
- FIXED - Animation and damage issues for Zero's penetrating cameras.
- FIXED - Zero's SC3000K tactical reload is out of sync with animation and sound. The damage caused by the SC3000K is inaccurate.
- FIXED - Zero's OnSide drill cam deployment can be heard OffSide.
- FIXED - Wrong crosshair is displayed when equipping Zero's Argus launcher.
- FIXED - Zero's 5.7 USG has a barrel attachment menu, although the silencer is only equipped by default.
- FIXED - Oryx sometimes displays inconsistent behavior after rubbing.
- FIXED - Blood vignette is missing after Oryx passes through a soft wall.
- FIXED - The tip of the LV-Lance goes through a deployable shield as it does a soft wall.
- FIXED - Various issues where it is possible to deploy Operator gadgets to another Operator gadget.
- FIXED - Various functionality issues that occur when using Hibana's X-Kairos.
- FIXED - Echo's Yokai drone can become indestructible when attached to the ceiling.
- FIXED - Yokai potentially loses SFX when attached if the game is left in the background using ALT-TAB on a PC.
- FIXED - Several functionality issues with Shield and Mountain Shield.
- FIXED - Users joining in progress cannot tag attackers via Valkyrie Blackeyes.
- FIXED - It is possible to destroy an Evil Eye when placed on destructible surfaces.
- FIXED - IQ is missing the Razor Halo scope available on their 552 Commando weapon.
- FIXED - Various texture issues on weapons and attachments.
- FIXED - Nitro Cell detonation can be slightly delayed after death if killed while trying to detonate.
- FIXED - Proximity alarm loops at the end of turn repeat if an attacker enters the room with the proxy on the last second of the turn.
- FIXED - Partially destroyed barricade obstructs the victory screen for most of the time.
- FIXED - Various improvements and fixes to the menu UI.
- FIXED - Various UI issues regarding language on bans.
- FIXED - Minor fixes to Cosmetic UI and Shop
- FIXED - Various launcher / spectator HUD improvements and updates.
- FIXED - Minor translation and typo issues in text.
- FIXED - Various cosmetic fixes on charms, uniforms and helmets.
- FIXED - Kill Feed shows a placeholder skull for certain Operators if they perform kills with their gadget.
- FIXED - Various issues for players in voice chat.
- FIXED - Currency packs and digital content tabs are not accessible in the store on PS4.
- FIXED - Various key binding / control issues on PC and consoles.
- FIXED - Previously equipped customization items remain equipped in the save file even if the item is not owned by the user.
- FIXED - Ultra-wide ratio (32: 9) is no longer supported since version Y5S3.
- FIXED - “Asset Protection”, “Improvise Defense” and “No Intel” enter an infinite loading screen if started as soon as they are installed on the console.
For more information on Operation Neon Dawn, visit the official Rainbow Six Siege website.